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  1. brianoak

    Steve Gadd

    That's what fame and it's opportunities will give you alright.
  2. brianoak

    Steve Gadd

    Hey Donagh, it's a clinic type thing that incorporates performances too.
  3. brianoak

    Get ready to take gadget music to the next level....

    Aww, it's Danzig after graduating from his ECDL.
  4. brianoak

    Sparklehorse and Danger Mouse album

    I actually like it too. I think it's because I listen to the radio again and let tracks grow on me.
  5. brianoak

    Steve Gadd

    Thought this may be of interest to some folks here. We have this guy coming in in September
  6. brianoak

    ''It Might Get Loud''

    Finally got around to watching this. I thought it was great, should defo be a series. How about.. James Williamson, Randy Holden and Slash.
  7. brianoak

    Stupidly good guitar playing

    Steve Young, the supposedly quiet one from the Guy Clarke, Townes etc scene
  8. brianoak

    Rory Gallagher's 60th

    Watched that over the weekend. It's great. Geldof comes off a dick of course.
  9. brianoak

    Maintenance Grants

    Thank man,unfortunately no luck. Ridiculous..never got a maintenance grant for my undergraduate degree either despite being 22 when I started and living away from from home for 4 years at the time. I have to defer now which is retarded because next year I will be entitled to full fee's and...
  10. brianoak

    Maintenance Grants

    Turns out that if you are out of the country for an extended period of time you are assessed on your parent's means...I'm 28 and have lived away from home since I was 18, this is baffling. I can't believe how insane their public policy is. I have to defer now, register where I live in Dublin for...
  11. brianoak

    Maintenance Grants

    Nah you need to present a bill etc to prove it. Plus my P21 or P60 for 2009 would read blank indicating I haven't been working or claiming social assistance. That says your either out of the country or being supported by other means, both of which don't bode well for a grant claim. I emailed the...
  12. brianoak

    Maintenance Grants really wasn't working. Anyways, it's more a question about the VEC and not living here for a bit.
  13. brianoak

    Maintenance Grants

    I know there was a thread about this before but search function is giving me an imploding error.. whatever that means. Anyway, I want to apply for a maintenance grant for next year but the VEC website stipulates you need be able prove your residency in their catchment area as Oct 1st of the...
  14. brianoak

    urgent help in dublin needed

    Go in with your photos stamped by the guards and your tickets as early as possible and they will do it in about 4 hours. They did it for me two years ago.
  15. brianoak

    English 70s Folk etc

    Rob Holden, used to be in Threads so you may have met him Ciaran. His acoustic stuff draws some influence from 60/70's English folk. I'm not sure if he has released much apart from the cdrs but they are well worth a listen for a modern take.
  16. brianoak

    win a mini for seomra spraoi

    Doesn't the whole thing kind of reek of affiliate marketing? Not pay per click but more of a constant exposure to whatever ads are on the site. Companies paying for traffic(no pun intended) etc
  17. brianoak

    what night for Xbox live gayness?

    Do you want anything form the shelf David?
  18. brianoak

    3D Scan of human face in crystal?

    Have you started drinking during the day again? This guy has got hold of email and tried to add me on facebook...
  19. brianoak

    Internet dating/dating agencies

    I like the cut of your jizz sir.
  20. brianoak

    I just got attacked by a dog

    Do you remember you were giving out about my shortcut to the the off license? Well that's the route that it happened on, should have stuck to the main thorough fares