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  • Before: May 30, 2019
  • Users: pavlos
  • Order by date
  1. pavlos

    Hellworld Thread

    These utter cunts
  2. pavlos

    European and Local elections 2019

    Luxuriant hair, by the looks of it, and possibly a few T-squares as well
  3. pavlos

    Minor Pleasures

    On a train trundling through a sunny Roscommon, looking at fields full of whitethorn.
  4. pavlos

    adios silver jews

    Hahaha! I was scratching my head a bit for the first couple of minutes, but I like the rest of it. On the first listen anyway!
  5. pavlos

    adios silver jews

    Welcome back, Purple Mountains.
  6. pavlos

    People Who Died
  7. pavlos

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Tim Hecker's in the Button Factory in October:
  8. pavlos

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

  9. pavlos

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    It's on D'Olier Street, I think.
  10. pavlos

    Thread for wacky shit.

    This bass seems... a bit unweildy?
  11. pavlos

    Fuck Religion

    Should have stuck this in the bargains thread.
  12. pavlos

    Recently Purchased

    Miles Davis - Miles Smiles, LP The Comet Is Coming - Trust In The Life Force Of The Deep Mystery, LP Dexter Gordon - Go, LP Department of Forever - Unseen Pictures, tape M Shutak - The Widows House, tape Teenage Fanclub - The King, LP Aidan Moffatt & RM Hubbert - What The Night Bestows Us, LP...
  13. pavlos

    Your work situation

    Will they be poking you with sticks during it as well?
  14. pavlos


    Interview in the New York Times with Tim and Laetitia last Friday:
  15. pavlos

    Hopeworld Thread

    Boss in being decent to the staff shocker:
  16. pavlos

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    FAO @therealjohnny:
  17. pavlos

    What gig did you go to last night?

    No bother!
  18. pavlos

    People Who Died

    RIP Doris!
  19. pavlos

    Happy Birthday, JohnnyRaz

    Happy birthday!
  20. pavlos

    2019 albums worth a listen.....

    It's very good indeed!