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  • Before: May 30, 2019
  • Users: pavlos
  • Order by date
  1. pavlos

    Cute Lifestyles

  2. pavlos

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Haha, no shit
  3. pavlos

    What gig did you go to last night?

    That sounds amazing - and what a great review!
  4. pavlos

    People Who Died

    Ken Nordine! (I thought he was long dead, tbh) And Bruno Ganz. Bruno Ganz, actor who played Hitler in Downfall, dies aged 77
  5. pavlos

    People Who Died

    Andrea Levy, chronicler of the Windrush generation, dies aged 62
  6. pavlos

    Recommend me some Jazz

    Pure flying along in the work to this:
  7. pavlos

    The signature model

    That is one fine looking guitar
  8. pavlos

    Minor complaints thread

    "circular gradient logo" must be a popular search on stock image sites these days!
  9. pavlos

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Matmos in the NCH in June:
  10. pavlos

    Minor complaints thread

    Why An Post to deliver a €5m new look for mail and parcel businesses And what a surprise, the logo is shit An Post unveils new logo to spearhead brand revamp |
  11. pavlos

    [Nov 14, 2015] The Mountain Goats (Whelan's)

    The version of "No Children" he did at the end of the 2017 show was worth the price of admission alone, striding about the place like he owned it, great to see him enjoying himself so much. I was at the 2015 Whelans show (which was great, but then I wasn't at the 2011 one) and the Button...
  12. pavlos

    Film posters

  13. pavlos

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    Classic European colonists
  14. pavlos

    The WTF Thread

    The durty git. Was in a restaurant bathroom at the same time as John Delaney, the FAI prick, a while back. Can confirm he performs a similar routine post-micturition.
  15. pavlos

    The WTF Thread

  16. pavlos

    Bored in Work 866

    That T-Rex has got an attitude problem
  17. pavlos

    People Who Died

    This was news to me, a top man indeed!
  18. pavlos

    Major Complaints Thread

    That sucks, really sorry to hear that.
  19. pavlos

    You Wanted The Best...You Got The Best....

  20. pavlos

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Meat Puppets (original lineup), playing Limerick’s Dolan’s on June 7th, Belfast’s Empire Music Hall on June 8th and Whelan’s on June 9th.