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  • Users: jane
  • Content: Threads
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  1. jane

    The Deadly Serious Tampon Thread -- No Jokes Please, We're Women

    Guess this is where we belong from now on.
  2. jane

    Non-Family Christmas

    Anyone else not got naught to do for the holidays? All this festive cheer is reminding me that I haven't figured out what I'm doing for the exmass this year, and that I'd want to get on it. What do yizzers who don't do family stuff do for it? I was hoping to have an orphans' Christmas and...
  3. jane

    The Notekillers Interview

    Okay, this is a totally shameless plug, but anyway, I saw these dudes in NY, and their story is a total feel-good rock and roll tale. They broke up in the early 80s and then found out a few years ago that they basically caused Sonic Youth to happen. They've got a track called The Zipper, which...
  4. jane

    Architectural Mistakes and Monstrosities

    This is a thread for talking about buildings that upset you. I'm mainly pissed off by how older buildings are being used, and that no effort is being made to turn stuff into places that are not posh apartments (if they were well-built, then I wouldn't mind so much, but they're going to fall...
  5. jane

    Passport Stupidity

    Wow. I came to NY to get my passport renewed because it was actually the only practical way to do it. Get it in 24 hours, I thought. Costs extra, but the peace of mind is worth it, I said. Do I have my passport? No, friends, I do not. Is my mind peaceful? If it is in peace, it is only...
  6. jane

    I've had a brilliant week

    No, I really have. I baked loads of cookies, got two days' proper work that I actually enjoyed. I've spent lots of time with people who are excellent, and feel really happy and can't stop smiling. And basically, I'm feeling so warm and fuzzy that I wanted to pass it on to all of you...
  7. jane

    Dear Bruce Springsteen

  8. jane

    New Reality TV show ideas

    Anyway, my new show, Someone's in the Kitchen with Brunker, is going to be a big hit once I figure out what the premise of the thing will be. Can't be any worse than The Dinner Party, no matter what happens. I've got some other ideas for TV shows, many of which also involve Amanda Brunker...
  9. jane

    My New Restaurant Is Going To Make Me Very Rich Indeed

    My friend and I came up with a new idea for a restaurant. It's called either Babybirds or Babyblurds. Read below and see if you want to join our street team. Note especially that we will become very rich off this idea. Tired of 'nouvelle cuisine'? Tired of the tedious lifting of fork to the...
  10. jane

    Disturbing hairstyle

    I saw a guy the other night in my hotel who had very obviously styled his chest hair. It had been blown dry with a hairdryer, and some sort of mousse or gel product was definitely involved, with the result that it looked remarkably like a ferret was trying to escape from his shirt. At first I...
  11. jane

    Belfast this weekend

    Any buzz? I'm heading up today with my job, and I've got a bunch of free time. Anything exciting happening over the weekend?
  12. jane

    I'm having a shitty morning, please post pictures of animals in costumes

    This is a thread because I'm feeling really sorry for myself. I got attacked while I was running this morning, and my head got bounced off a stone wall, and I got bounced off the pavement. Spent the morning at the doctor and don't have a concussion, just a bit of bruising and cuts and a bump on...
  13. jane

    Digital nostalgia

    ...archaeology of archival contexts exactly at the time when the fundamental nature of archives was undergoing major change. Maybe I can convince myself that this counts as work. Yes, Jane did an epic post. Shock, horror. Poo poo fart fart.* *bum bum...
  14. jane

    Aer Lingus flight sale

    Just booked a trip to the US for 100 quid each way. Last night, I checked prices and everything was 100 quid. About 2/3 of the cheap seats were gone as of about ten minutes ago. Cheap flights end on Thursday. You can travel any time between the 7th of November and the 31st of January. Wish I...
  15. jane

    Shopping appreciation thread #636435

    ...buys as well as non-bargain things you just had to have. I'll go punch myself in the fucking head now. I've become everything I always hated. *dies* HOWEVER, I got a couple of pencil skirts for dirt cheap in Rome: two in markets for three quid apiece, and two for a tenner each in a...
  16. jane

    Portrait-type photos?

    Hey, I might be chancing my arm and being a total asshole, but I was wondering if anyone is really good at taking portrait-type photos, and would like to do so in exchange for lunch or pints or fancy cocktails? I hesitate to say 'headshots' because that makes me want to throw up on myself, but...
  17. jane

    Richard and Linda Thompson Appreciation Thread

    Since we're on the subject of appreciation, I want to see the bright lights tonight, I do, I do. Richard Thompson is also in my list of best-ever gigs. FUCKING AMAZING, so he was.
  18. jane

    Hairdryer recommendations

    My hairdryer has been ailing for some time, but the other day, it rained inside my house, and the poor little bastard got very wet and had to get thrown out. Now that my hair is quite long, I find these devices handy enough, but I want one that isn't shit or expensive. Any recommendations? My...
  19. jane

    Lock Up Your Daughters

    Re: is being sued by MCD... You know, this is kind of off-topic, but, since apparently no one is reading my posts anyway, and people seem to prefer name-calling to actual debate, I give up. I find it really interesting that when a woman is raped by a man, everyone wants to keep the...
  20. jane

    That Apache Pizza Ad on Newstalk

    Jesus fuck, like. That is the advertising equivalent of our pal chancer. Or perhaps the Lithuanian Eurovision entry. Christ to fuck.