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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    Mmmmmm yum who's hungry?

    in china, not only the dvd packs are misleading. i cried with laughter when i read some, i think my favourite would be 'buttered privates' hHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. La La

    Next Year

    is the year of the Dog. hurrah! finally my time has come around again!
  3. La La

    The Dream's Over

    "After months of rumours, denials, and salacious magazine covers, US singers Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are officially kaput. The couple jointly announced their separation on Wednesday, their publicists Meredith O' Sullivan and Rob Shooter confirmed. "After three years of marriage...
  4. La La

    so bush fancied bombing al jazeera

    who the fuck does he think he is? the paper trail has caught up with him.........
  5. La La

    the photoshop thread

    i love it when you adobe-heads post up your photoshopped pictures. barrel o' laughs it is. so i suggest that someone posts up a random google image searched picture, and one of you lucky ones with photoshop can work your magic on it. (and so on and so forth) ;)
  6. La La

    if you could be from any country......

    where would you be from? i reckon it'd be pretty cool to say i was an Eskimo.
  7. La La

    Help Me Name My Gaff

    right. the thing is, we found out from the guy downstairs (who has lived there for 30 years) that Micahel Hutchence lived in our flat when he was 18-22 which i think is hi-la-rious. (and yes, the doorknobs are all correct and in place) so we need to call the flat something suggestions...
  8. La La

    The Neverending Storeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    hell yeah! i finally managed to get my paws on a dvd (and i picked up the NES2 aswell for good measure even though the first is by far better) and im gonna fuckin race home from work, watch this new snowbaording DVD i got, and then watch neverending story. HOW good does that sound...
  9. La La

    Mashed Potato

    don't get me wrong, i love spuds in any shape or form. but nothing warms the tummy more than a huge bowl of creamy mashed potatoes. god they're so good. mmmmmnyummm PS fake mashed potato most certainly does NOT count. ever. that is all.
  10. La La

    Right let's talk about Vincent Gallo

    Buffalo '66 was brilliant. Haven't seen The Brown Bunny, thought I've heard it's shit until the blow job scene at the end. But what do people think of the Gallo himself? personally, i think he's divine to look at - but charging a million buckaroos for his sperm on ebay? or 1.5 mil to do the...
  11. La La


    i don't like 'em.
  12. La La

    New Model Army

    they deserve a thread for sure. etc etc and so on and so forth .|..|
  13. La La

    if pete wasn't real, i think he'd be

  14. La La


    your name isnt as fat looking no more. are you gonna get back on the subskriberz buzz?
  15. La La

    Petition to save the 'This thread is gonna sink' thread from pete's delete

    sign your name on the dotted line, people. .....................................................
  16. La La

    Kick Ass kiddies books

    i loved and anything by
  17. La La

    Ciaran Mackle

    i love the fact that you have your first and last name as your thumped name, but i thought it would be interesting to have a thread where members could suggest another name for you to have and then if you like their suggestions, you can send pete an email. :D or just keep your name and forget...
  18. La La

    The Corrs Get Mugged

    ahhhh that sounds better. Jim cried like a babby apparently.
  19. La La


    anyone read it?