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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    Bernerdy Noo

    why are you awake at this godforsaken hour? are you pondering your new name?
  2. La La

    Listen to this for a good story now lads

    so i was listening to my cheesy easy listening mix cd on the plane outta dublin there and 'how deep is your love' (great choon) came on. so i'm humming away trying not to be depressed about leaving ireland when BAM! who gets on the plane and sits two seats away from me? robin gibb...
  3. La La

    happy boifday to.....(and it's a long list)

    beattre, mac warzonescum, darragh, broken arm, Napalm, Muu Zig, robbie13 (89), Alan Latchley (31), PUREHATE (30), fairlyslowey (28), frambosenshmak (26), thedonal (25), Fanjinho (25), Speed Racer. (25), kollin (21), ruttiger (21), Vinnie (2)
  4. La La

    Happy New Hangover Everybody

    fack. got lost driving down to a party in wexford in the middle of nowhere, arrived at 3 minutes to 12, got pissed too fast and now feel like my head's exploding. gah! happy bloo blah
  5. La La

    christmas movie i'm looking forward to

    narnia and harry potter. narnia looks good, and i reckon HP will be too even though i've ever seen 2 harry potter movies and never read the books.
  6. La La

    Lefty I found your dream holiday!

    obviously you can guess which one i'd go on (snow leopards) but you can now start saving up to go on an Orangutan conservation project! Or a Gibbon project, depending on your taste in Primates. choose your favourite species and off you go!
  7. La La

    eh.....the Iranian president is a nerd
  8. La La

    has anyone noticed

    the latest wave of alteregos/new members to thumped who have fixations with areas of the body with which we normally excrete/get rid of faeces? weeweedrinker handicrapper browns syndrome...... !cheezy
  9. La La

    Happy Birthday Lord Damian!

    no free food here baby!
  10. La La

    WTO Sixth Ministerial: tales from Hong Kong

    hey guys so today was the first day and what a fuckin day it;s been. i have taken heaps of photos but am waiting to get them onto a cd before i post them up. but here's the run down of day one: the koreans peasant league and other anti-globalisation/capitalist groups marched to the...
  11. La La

    oh my god gael garcia bernal is in town

    i shit you not. he will be here for the duration of the WTO. FUCK! i have to arrange to 'interview' him somehow. and then seduce him until he succumbs to me. c'mon girls i know you will agree with me here; he's a goddamn hottie.
  12. La La

    i have now been in work 12 hours

    what the fuck like. and thumped isnt entirely to blame; all this ad hoc stuff keeps cropping up. my eyes are dry, brain is saturated, and i'd love to chuck a brick through the window right now. 'specially cos i have a CSI box set at home that's not being watched. bah humbug to long days in...
  13. La La

    Bali 9 and extradition

    so i think this topic is pretty interesting. now i havent been following it much at all but i was watching abc asia pacific (pretty good aussie news channel) and they did this segment on the bali nine. there was something scrolling at the bottom saying they had been sentenced to death, however...
  14. La La


    hi dudes. it feels weird to be posting in the games forum, but i actually have a secret game nerd in me hidden away. how can i get my hands on the NES version of Metroid? its the best out of all of them, and i used to play it for hours when i was a kid. also did any of you guys like it...
  15. La La

    Movies with great endings

    great as a whole, but the ending of Amelie always gives me a nice little happy feeling when they're racing around on his scooter. what else.....oh yeah love the ending of Life is Beautiful. great tear jerker.
  16. La La

    Republic of Loose - Women

    sluts, tarts, trollops and the like
  17. La La

    celahbrity lookalikes

    haha i came across this site, look at the state of 'arnie' posing in front of that statue and hang on a sec, but this is a pic of the supposed beatles lookalike band. if that's the case, who the fuck are those two turds on the left?!?
  18. La La

    Rebel Without a Cause

    right now there's a cinema here showing some oldies on the big screen. so last night a few of us went to see Rebel Without a Cause and honestly i forgot how much of a dude James Dean was. totalisch babe. but it's deadly seeing older flicks on the big screen; beats watching a souped up DVD...
  19. La La

    Hong Kong Democracy March

    what a day. must have been at least 200,000 taking to the streets.
  20. La La

    Today's gonna be a bit quiet around here (Non-ATP Roll Call)

    cos most of the heads have gone off to ATP.