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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    stephen kidd blunt

    happy birthday, son. much love x .|..|
  2. La La

    temptation is such a bitch

    spent a good hour in the gym, was well happy with myself. walked back into the office with a spring in my step.......... to find 70 BOXES OF KRISPY KREME DONUTS at the front desk. (they've just opened their first shop here). each box contains 6. we were each given a box. fucks sake...
  3. La La

    when you do a search for Oak

    it says "sorry - no matches" i find this a little odd given that they're discussed quite regularly here - or is this deliberate? doobee doobee doobee doobee..........
  4. La La

    embarrassing household moments

    this morning i emerged, groggy and sleep deprived from my bedroom - to find my roommate in the hallway sporting morning wood. i was heading into the bathroom, and he was just going in to check if the hot water was on. i glanced down of course as i noticed something out of the ordinary - and...
  5. La La

    Bark Psychosis appreciation thread

    right now i'm nursing my inability to sleep with Game Over. :D
  6. La La


    i saw a cracker today - friar tuck job; bald on top, bowl hair cut, and then the mullet at the back. couldnt stop laughing. anyone had any good sightings lately?
  7. La La

    these chicks won't shave.....until men do

  8. La La

    berlin world cup coordinator attempted suicide

    :( poor dude. musta been feeling overwhelmed after the whole thing ended or something. anyway it was a failed attempt but.
  9. La La

    your brazil team name i'm crothando peres. gay.
  10. La La

    how many days of music

    appears on your iTunes? (if you have iTunes, that is) guy i work with has a full month. i've only six days - but it grows gradually. i'd love to know how much nlgbbblbth has :D
  11. La La

    North Korea *hearts* missiles

    they just fired another one, which i think brings the number to six, is it? -or ten, according to russia.
  12. La La

    dreams about having a baby/babies

    last night i had yet ANOTHER dream in which i became a mother. usually my dream-sprogs are limited to one, god forbid two. but last night, (and i think this had to do with his picture being posted on the picture a week thread) dave lefty frizell visited me wearing tight brown leather trousers...
  13. La La

    bulger killer returns?

    im not so sure, but the media's going into overdrive. tragic story here:
  14. La La

    working in the US

    i learned that aussie passport holders can get these fast-track working visas to the states. they issue 10,000 a year and are fairly easy to get. thing is, i'd like to know from people who've worked there (longer than a J1, did that already) once you have a job and have worked there for a year...
  15. La La

    hi im pised and i wil cal in sick tomoro

    tast riht/ oz forevr!
  16. La La

    great stories your grandparents told you

    my aussie grandad died from skin cancer at the age of 28, but prior to that he was a gunner in Egypt during world war 2. he must have had some good stories about that. my great grandmother from northern ireland had deadly stories about the black and tans coming into their home when she was a...
  17. La La

    what's the coolest way to escape from prison?

  18. La La

    poll test

  19. La La

    check out the repping i just got off

    ...2 threads 3 threads 11 threads 13 threads 5 posts 87 threads 1896 threads ass fuck thumped sopranos captain a album battles code ninja cunt losers thumped "high*on*fire" gorilla smell mackle loser thumped ass holes piano lessons nurse with wound nurse with wound cd baby
  20. La La

    gurl qweschun

    hey I know this is stupid and nothing compared to what lots of people go to. i'm a 20 year old guy, and basically i was at a party a couple of nights ago and got my first kiss which is late i know but i've never had any luck with women... well it just kinda happened unexpectedly but it was...