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  • Users: Dixer
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Dixer

    Peter Singer

    Anybody happen to catch Peter SInger interviewed by Mark Lawson t'other night. Specifically, anybody catch what book they were discussing, missed the start where that were told, aye. Spanx.
  2. Dixer


    Anybody see the Channel 4 show on Mutanys, Castratii etc last night? Cool show but what was with all the moody shots of the presented sitting down, pondering etc? Dude has ego issues.
  3. Dixer

    Legal Question.

    Anybody on here with a legal studies background. I need some (free) advice/opinion.
  4. Dixer


    Anybody ever seen Performance? Showing in IFI now. Allegedly one of the 'great' British films. Saw it t'other night. Loada hippy guff. You could see Roeg's influence and it was shaping up to be interesting but.... nah. Any conflicting reports? Lets have a barney over here.
  5. Dixer


    Three times in the last 12 months or so I've had the back wheel of my bike kicked in. Beginning to think my wheels are being specificially targeted. ANybody else have this experience on a semi-regular basis and what the fuck is people's thrill with doin this. May 13th: Raped by customs and shit...
  6. Dixer


    Dudes, just had to pay €32 on a box of records for customs or some shit. The whole thing, shipping included was only about €90. Anybody know how this works? Is it standard fee or is it over a third of the value of the package plus shipping. I never had to pay this before. It must be because it...
  7. Dixer

    Eyes Wide Shut

    I mean, what the fuck yo? I don't hate this film but I feel like I should. Anybody explain it to me?
  8. Dixer

    Jungle Brothers (True Blue)

    Anybody see them last night? Did I miss much?
  9. Dixer


    You too are a Space Ghost acolyte I see? You be bouncin' some Sonny Sharrock up in that bitch?
  10. Dixer

    Multisession retrieval

    Dudes, I need yr help. Heres the dilly. I burned some shit on Nero in an internet cafe and then I did a 2nd multisession burn thinking that the 2nd burn would be added to the first. Not true apparently. When I take the disc into toast though, I kinda kinda fond the first burn session and the...
  11. Dixer

    Grey Album

    All this Brouhaha over Dj Danger Mouse. Anybody hear this thing. Am I safe in my assumption of said artifacts faecality?
  12. Dixer

    Todays topic of discussion...

    ....A holocaust against stupid people. Personally, I hate the bastards, think no ill is too great to befall them. Anybody in my corner on this?
  13. Dixer

    Bobby Conn

    Dont know this man's schtick but I've been advised to go to this thing. So, should I go or....?
  14. Dixer

    Wu confirmed for Witness

    En garde, I'll let you try my Wu-Tang style
  15. Dixer

    R T Fuckin E

    Anyone familiar with that 'Show me the Money' show, was on last night? I'm surprised there hasn't been a whinge on here 'bout it by now. Let me get the ball rolling: That kind of shit makes me want to explode humanity in all its ugly forms.
  16. Dixer


    Any user reports? Just a toy?
  17. Dixer

    Film Festival.

    Anybody been in to this? Any reports? Specifically, anybody see 'Best of Youth' yesterday?
  18. Dixer

    I'm with these guys.

  19. Dixer

    Polyphonic ringtones.

    Fuckin why? If you have one, it's probably best to kill yrself. F'ripple, whats up with that?
  20. Dixer

    Anybody else find this kinda fascinating?