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  • Before: Dec 5, 2003
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    artist photographers and poets read this!!!

    hello.... it looks like the gig/exhibition will be on in the music room bands and artists let me hear from you so far we have just a few pieces. i'm thinking about doing zines as well as pics poems and paintings. oh yeah i have a very good naked pic of ray from bayside from when he was down...
  2. mc moley

    Funeral Diner [USA] | Estel | No Compliance

    cool. c yez there! i'll bring the crisps you bring the dip!
  3. mc moley

    Funeral Diner [USA] | Estel | No Compliance

    cant wait to play this....i hope people still go after fall out fest and all. damo let me know if we've to bring anything...amps etc
  4. mc moley

    Scientific Bong Pictures

    ive got some good ones in black and white and a few gud colour ones too....i'll get mine together and ask d.j. what he's got. i'll give em to ya at a gig or something. dar
  5. mc moley

    artist photographers and poets read this!!!

    hello. this is darragh from kilcoole.... me and luke are going to be putting on an art DIY exhibition/gig sometime in Nov. we need to hear from artists photographers etc ... who want to display their stuff. basically our reason for doing this is the punk scene and the art scene are...
  6. mc moley

    Ninety Nine/ Estel & Black Eyes & True North

    allright... its darragh here... who do i talk to about tying to get a gig with true north? us no comp kids love our scr-emo! any info would be much appreciated! cheers dar
  7. mc moley

    It is me !! weeler from eirecore!!

    well done on the zine, twas a gud read.
  8. mc moley

    new in dublin

    yeah the war zone fest is on soon, but thats only a once a year thing, and the last one ever is this year. :confused: but the regular place to be is at the gz gigs. they are on the firestone pub (upstairs) in the music room. its located right on the quays. about a 2 min walk from oconnel st...
  9. mc moley

    This friggin thing 3 - free

    by the way. see the way underneath my name it says nktob or something.... how come mine says that and what the fuck does it mean. everyone else has senior member or something funny... how do i shed the knotb thingy??
  10. mc moley

    This friggin thing 3 - free

    yeah i thought weelers zine was pretty decent alright. a good read. pity its not available in brail.
  11. mc moley

    GZ on 21 and 28 August

    any chance holy virility will be at these gigs i wanna get some shit off them... i havent seen them around at many gigs recently.
  12. mc moley

    20 Bulls Each gig this Thursday

    i wonder if it becoming illegal has anything to do with the state those 3 quid pints got me in at that polish ska night! by the way these new gz gigs are fuckin deadly there always packed out of it and fairly rockin! that enough from me
  13. mc moley

    Coolie gig details

    at the music room the other night we left something like 200 copies of this frigging thing issue 3 in a white box in the back of the music room. could anyone let us know if there ok?
  14. mc moley

    Coolie gig details

    the gig is on!!!!!! 4 oklok at the gaa grounds in greystones. sorry bout all the drama folks but we've been busy battling imro (absolute cunts!) and the scouts about this gig. but there is an article in the bray people about it as well as NME might come down to review it. so its on get your...
  15. mc moley

    Carlo Giuliani protest..

    what the fuck is your problem. no need to get agro. i didnt know who the guy was. and when i first read it the pic didnt load as my computer is shit and takes about 5 mins just to get an image on the screen. so basically i thought people were protesting a guys death, and i asked whats the point...
  16. mc moley

    Rancid motherfucker.

    the thing about rancid is that they claim to be this mad angry working class bunch of heroes. now dont get me wrong a few years ago i listened to nothin but rancid and the like, and they are a great gateway band to lead you into the diy scene like someone sed b4. but i think they should be...
  17. mc moley

    Carlo Giuliani protest..

    what are you protesting against? or highlighting? was that that student who got murdered in town somewhere?
  18. mc moley


    ah fuck off john stay in germany!! me and brook are travelling to the continent on wednesday. so we shall be drinking tea and eating crumpets with the best of them. might see ya around. are you meeting up with the rest of the coolies in amseterdam? we're all meeting on the 6th i think. ill...
  19. mc moley

    Contact for Luke from Kid Blunt Please.

    well stephen me old buddy old pal. nice to see you, to see you nice! (borrowed that one from john) anyway this sure beats the shit out of our little stories on the goozer forum doesnt it! ps luke is dead
  20. mc moley

    Rancid motherfucker.

    rancid are a joke now if ya ask me. i saw them before a couple of years ago and they arent really that great live either. but its not for me to tell you who and who not to see now is it? !baggyyyy