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  • Before: Jan 8, 2007
  • Users: Beanstalk
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  1. Beanstalk

    ATTN bitches of thumped I see...I thought you meant 'bitches' as a term of endearment... not actual laydees.
  2. Beanstalk

    All you ever needed

    Cool. Whats the story with the albums...all seem to be linked to Is this like rapidshare or megaupload, but in Swedish with no obvious download link.
  3. Beanstalk

    there's a band from limerick caleld Vox Populi?

    Any linkage for this band?
  4. Beanstalk

    there's a band from limerick caleld Vox Populi?

    ...and live favourite "Gunter Maurer ist Einfach Klasse".
  5. Beanstalk

    recording experiences

    Ah yes, the age-old trap of getting fooled by the class studio monitors...I always try and listen to the final mix on headphones and in the car.
  6. Beanstalk

    there's a band from limerick caleld Vox Populi?

    I think my old german textbook ("Deutsche Heute"?) in secondary school had a band called Vox Populi in it. They looked like a cool band cos they had shades and spiky hair. .|..|
  7. Beanstalk

    ATTN bitches of thumped

    If ye weren't all burrds, this would be the gayest thread ever. I think you need to ask Pete for a !baggyyyy forum.
  8. Beanstalk

    Bored in Work 222

  9. Beanstalk

    the Rapture - Pieces of the people we love

    I wanted to like it but it comes off like an average disco pop album. I've only heard it twice though so maybe it needs a few listens.
  10. Beanstalk

    Does your band use a regular sound engineer?

    Aye, would do that if we were based in Dawblin.
  11. Beanstalk

    Extras - Series 2

    Orlando Bloom did a good impression of Ricky Gervais in it.
  12. Beanstalk

    Does your band use a regular sound engineer?

    The pen and paper is dead in the Audio world Pete...get with it! You're such a whore for vintage equipment like this. ;)
  13. Beanstalk

    Does your band use a regular sound engineer?
  14. Beanstalk

    Does your band use a regular sound engineer?

    Yeah that's what I thought...its just lately I've been noticing that the bands that I have been most impressed with, live, are the ones with dedicated sound engineers...and I'm not talking about big-time bands who you would expect to have engineers and roadies. For representing your songs in a...
  15. Beanstalk


    Bachelor's Walk was class...The Panel was good (probably won't get Dara O briain back now that he's doing well in Engerland now though)...didn't see Paths to Freedom, but I've heard good things...Deidre O kane and that Don Wycherly fella are the most annoying irish people ever...mieey home dot...
  16. Beanstalk

    Does your band use a regular sound engineer?

    How important is it for a band to have their own regular sound engineer, that's familiar with your songs? Can't really afford to pay an engineer for gigs considering we rarely get paid ourselves but would love to have a regular soundman, especially for the tunes that we use samples on...the...
  17. Beanstalk

    Business Communications - a new low?

    "Please do not easy complaint me"
  18. Beanstalk

    Business Communications - a new low?

    My girlfriend got a crappy MP3 player off e-bay, and mailed the seller in Hong Kong looking for a refund...he wrote back saying: "Please do not easy complaint me as ebay will lose my business for me" Kinda felt bad for then for the poor guy working 20 hours a day in a sweatshop making crappy...
  19. Beanstalk

    Fuckin hell

    You're a mucksavage.
  20. Beanstalk

    Fuckin hell

    I'm no expert but I'd say they were axin for it.