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  1. Diddles

    Your work situation

    Met someone who met you recently and said you were looking fantastic !
  2. Diddles

    Macbook parts

    It's A1502 retina which I think is around 2013/2014. The battery is A1493
  3. Diddles

    Macbook parts

    Any places in Dublin or sites that sell auld bits off Macbooks for cheap? My keyboard is fucked, and then the trackpad stopped working. And then I bent the battery taking it out to clean the trackpad and it went on fucking fire. So now I've no battery and am using a mouse and the onscreen...
  4. Diddles

    Your work situation

    Ah that's all shit buzz @Jill Hives and @riath , I was always delighted that you were doing something different, something I always wanted to do in fact. I'm really fucking pissed off for yiz, ye are both sound and deserve way better.
  5. Diddles

    I have the horn for...

    Currently mad about this fella from Snowfall, but he was a bit of a horror sans beard and Lbs. Beards work wonders so they do.
  6. Diddles

    Photos of your Pets

    This is my actual baby tho - Babby Vader !
  7. Diddles

    Photos of your Pets

    Well, we do call him that sometimes :D The child reckons it's this :
  8. Diddles


    I've been at death's door a few times and not even realised it, I'm not very self-aware sometimes and I just kind of go on autopilot. Burning up with fevers and infections and just thinking I was very tired! I've had a lot of surgery over the past five years and the last few times have asked...
  9. Diddles

    Photos of your Pets

    New boy Kylo. He does a great Lady Di .
  10. Diddles

    Your work situation

    Are you not doing the pub thing anymore?
  11. Diddles

    facebook ate my brain

    I regret ever going on it, should have stuck with Thumped @pete
  12. Diddles

    Dog bite fixes for new footwear?

    Dirty big scratch on my new boots from the poxy dog. Like I was putting them on out of the fucking box and the little bastard robbed one and scraped his teeth along the toe, I broke down crying and everything, they weren't cheap. I could cope if it was on the side, but the fucking front of...
  13. Diddles

    Star Trek Picard

    I very much enjoyed it I must say
  14. Diddles

    Bored in Work 915 I've half an attic full of vinyl these last two years .....
  15. Diddles

    facebook ate my brain

    I have one too as the child is in scouts so they post stuff on it for parents. Other than that I wouldn't bother. I deleted my main account well over a year ago. I just kept getting triggered by other people's post and all the bragging that goes on.
  16. Diddles

    Your work situation

    Aww thanks. To be honest just acknowledging I'm having it tough is a help x
  17. Diddles

    Your work situation

    Aw I was just having a pity party last night, things could be worse financially, I just get so fucking stressed about having to juggle money all the time, I wish I didn't have to think about it so much! Healthwise am still kicking the can down the road, I've been living with this for five...
  18. Diddles

    Your work situation

    Well I'm doing fuck all as I'm on disability because of cancer so can't work even if I feel like it in case I lose my medical card or get sick again! I was freelancing on and off when I was first in treatment but then husband left me so am reliant on the state and Airbnbing on a part time...
  19. Diddles

    Major Complaints Thread

    I'm on some stupid diet thing but I'm a bit drunk now and am starving and have to get up early as well and am just going to lose the fucking head basically.
  20. Diddles

    Major Pleasures

    The puppy went up to bed with the child at 10 so I've just been sitting here in peace in front of the fire with the old dog and the cat, it's just great not being bitten and not having to shout and rescue shoes.