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  1. Willie Willions

    Meetin up for Neurosis

    I´ll be in London on Friday, does anyone whose going want to meet up somewhere at some time then? Also, if anyone sees Donal the fuckin spa tell him to mail me back straightaway...
  2. Willie Willions

    Anyone who saw 7 Seconds when they played here...

    ...A band called 5 knuckle supported them, lookit this!!! *Snigger*
  3. Willie Willions

    Magpies, Carrickminders - This is odd!

    Vince is running for president, bizzarro!
  4. Willie Willions

    Berlusconi's Mousetrap

    does anyone know who the speaker of the long disturbing monologue is? need to get in touch with 'em
  5. Willie Willions

    GGI pics

    we have no picis of the fest at all, if any one has any post 'em up here ye shits !cheezy
  6. Willie Willions

    Actin' the Arse Tour 2004

    I presume most poeple will be doing this anyway, but its a good idea for anyone doing the euro crust tour to use this forum to communicate for gig news, meetin up, getting lost etc... Happy camping!
  7. Willie Willions

    Kazaa is fecked

    Does anyone know any Person to person music sharing type thingy that I can download without having to pay for?
  8. Willie Willions

    The Trey Question

    Where's he gone? He was supposed to back like two weeks ago, anyone heard from him?
  9. Willie Willions


    Tetsuo was a young bike punk, but filled with cosmic powers. His friends told him that he stunk, now Tokyo he'll devour, So watch out for that little kid; He's something to fear-a, 'Cause deep inside his brain they hid The power of Akira! Anime, Anime The nerds are right when they all...
  10. Willie Willions


    Has anyone got any Feederz stuff (apart from Ever Felt Like Killing Your Boss?) they can tape me?
  11. Willie Willions

    food not bombs guy coming

    Hey this is Marianne not Eoin as u might have guessed. For anyone who's interested this guy will be speaking and showing a video in Spacekraft on Tuesday Dec 2nd at 7.30 Keith Mc Henry, the co founder of Food Not Bombs is due to visit Ireland next week as part of his Drop Bush Not Bombs tour...
  12. Willie Willions


    Here, is anyone else's Kazaa not working, mine has been fecked for a few days and I'm worried that its been shut down or summat. !bog
  13. Willie Willions

    I'm going to Galway

    in a coupla days. Dublin is shit. There ya go.
  14. Willie Willions

    Short Posts

    Here Weeler, why cant you have a post thats less than 5 letters long? Its really annoying!
  15. Willie Willions

    A Double Bass Pedal... what I'm looking for , too expensive in shops.
  16. Willie Willions

    Smashinger Hunt

    Well it wasn't when I said it was because I went to the Punx Picnic and then got stuck in Leeds for a week... But soon! Theres going to be some fliers at gigs soon.
  17. Willie Willions

    Punk Rock treasure hunt

    What about it? I've sorted out some of the rules, just want to figure out when everyone is gonna be around. Possiblick this Saturday? Got some deadly ideas for it! Any suggestions welcome. .|..| .|..| .|..|
  18. Willie Willions


    – White Noise Mondays 10-11pm Repeated Tuesday 3.30pm NEAR fm 101.6" Have you all seen this on Thumped? Looks good.
  19. Willie Willions


    Can anyone lend me a snare and bass-pedal for the Guapo gig on Saturday? Cheers.
  20. Willie Willions

    Whatcha been playing?

    Computer game wise.