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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    US politics

    any way to read it if you’re not a washington post subscriber?
  2. T


    this is... unconvincing
  3. T


    and now fuel rationing oy vey, this really is all getting a bit messy
  4. T

    US politics

    i think that’s the most poignant element of the image. some poor intern who’s holding this thing up and wondering how the hell they wound up here
  5. T

    US politics

  6. T

    Wire - 154 (1979)

    i am the contrarian who prefers shellac to big black still can’t listen to rapeman without wincing at the name. it was a bad idea then. the passing of time has not made it seem like any more of a good idea.
  7. T

    Country music

    it’s music, not a political campaign. you can’t explain it. we all know this. if you love it, you love it. maybe I’m getting you wrong here, in which case please let me know. but our emotional reaction to music is not rational, nor should it be.
  8. T

    Country music

    so what
  9. T

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    you mean those lads that can’t convince anyone to give them a ride and then complain on reddit, right
  10. T

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    there’s this: all a bit performative-tokenistic and elon-worshipping right now, but similar things could scale up
  11. T

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    would be interesting if you can only upload selfies while the tide is flowing in the right direction a bit like this solar-powered website, which goes offline if it’s too cloudy:
  12. T


    of course somehow this will all translate through to a bump in the polls for boris because UK politics is a dada-surrealist hall of mirrors
  13. T


    not due to drivers. I’m in germany, where shelves are full and trucks are whizzing. seems like a pure supply shortage problem.
  14. T


    did we mention fizzy-drinks-gate yet? the outline of it seems to be that the two plants that make most of the commercial carbon dioxide in britain were days away from closing down...
  15. T


    tried to order an amp from thomann a couple of weeks ago and they eventually refunded me and basically said the amp just doesn’t exist anymore. there’s a warehouse somewhere in china with a million of them, but they won’t be available to consumers for months and months, so thomann just dropped...
  16. T

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    as long as the data centre has bike lanes we’re all a-ok with it
  17. T


    this popped up again today and it made me belly-laugh all over again
  18. T

    the strangeness of dub

    episode 8 went up last week ☁️
  19. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    thanks for the update. I shouldn’t have posted without a proper source.