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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    ...and you send the URL to someone (or have them send it to you), then it makes a link that includes a button that says ‘instant view’ — if you tap *that* button instead of the main link, the whole article loads, no ads, no paywall, inside telegram. works for quite a few paywall websites. kinda...
  2. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    a somewhat-esoteric twitter pile-on where the barrier-to-entry is that you have to read a 10,000-word completely bonkers article and then come back around and give all your hot takes about how american writers are all just pretty much insane...
  3. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    well it is all crazy americans, in fairness
  4. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    none of you got sucked into all the kidney craziness?
  5. T

    Suede - Dog Man Star (1994)

    it’s from a time when an album could still be released in the expectation that it could be a SOCIAL EVENT that would DISTIL THE ZEITGEIST in a GLOWING JEWEL of CULTURAL RELEVANCE. that doesn’t really happen to albums anymore. every band was a potential sally-rooney-novel-cultural-equivalent in 1994.
  6. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    let’s have all your kidney donation hot takes, folks
  7. T


    can’t wait to see what the FB chaff will be like during the invasion of taiwan
  8. T


    honestly would sort of love to, personally speaking. but practically, it’s a bit like nuclear weapons. it exists now, can’t uninvent it. so what to do? is it compatible with the existence of cute little postwar liberal-electoral western societies and governments without rotting them from the...
  9. T


    but the side-effects *are* the product. you can’t have tobacco without cancer. and you can’t have facebook without mind cancer.
  10. T


    in the technical sense, yes, this is absolutely true. it’s a bit like arguing that the tobacco company can’t invent a non-cancer-causing cigarette. so what? sane people want reductions in social harm caused by the overall effect of the existence of this company. saying that it’s technically...
  11. T


    ...a bit of pretentious rhetorical flourish, but the war crimes are real. we tend to forget that most prosecutions for war crimes are prosecutions for *knowing that something was happening* and *choosing to do nothing about it* — which is exactly what facebook is doing. this was pretty much...
  12. T


    a bit overstated, but not necessarily wrong a better comparison might be tobacco companies from a few decades back, selling poison and acting innocent. that got slowly legislated into a situation where, in the west at least, it’s an extremely-closely-regulated industry, and everyone knows that...
  13. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    anne applebaum is a one-person ideological state apparatus imagine if the economist or the financial times turned into a human being and wondered aloud why the poors don’t understand their enlightened centrism
  14. T

    Suede - Dog Man Star

    I remember that a couple of the girls I was in school with were verrrrrrry very very into this album when it came out. the ones who went on to be art students. (I also remember it overlapping with deus’s worst case scenario, which is what I remember that I was listening to at the time... it...
  15. T

    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    In tenuously-related news, I recently read an excerpt from Seamas O’Reilly’s memoir in which he described the INLA as the “Andrew Ridgeley of Irish republicanism” and it was a rare genuine laugh-out-loud-while-reading sort of moment
  16. T

    Minor complaints thread

    had to do a bit of explaining the world to my mother recently when she happily downloaded and opened an attachment from “an email from the bank”
  17. T

    Minor complaints thread

    I suppose the journalist realised that their article couldn’t possibly be taken seriously *unless* it mentioned the various controversies. I read a couple of pinker books almost twenty years ago and they were truly revelatory to me — in retrospect, I suppose mostly because they summarised some...
  18. T


    ...imagine if cameron had held his referendum because he actually wanted to, not because he was scared of ukip. they would have sorted out all the tedious details *before* the vote ever happened. things could have been very different. not necessarily much better, mind you, but different for sure.
  19. T


    awful lot of remoaner nonsense on this forum, eh Lili? they need some good old-fashioned sovereign free trade to get them set straight again