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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    oh jaysis the thinkpieces and longreads have started quick, everyone into the hot take fallout bunker hopefully there’ll be an all-clear by the end of the month
  2. T

    2021 albums worth a listen....

    ha! had a similar reaction to that moin album too. one big meh.
  3. T

    Getting in to gigs when you're underage

    “LOOK, FAIR ENOUGH, I FANCY HER TOO, BUT I ALSO HAVE BOTH PROFESSIONAL AND PARENTAL REASONS TO BE HERE, OK?” might be tricky to fit on one board in a readable way
  4. T

    US politics

    was reading a thing recently about how the best way to understand the contemporary US is to read pretty much all politics as the shadow of factional struggles within the security state (similar to Russia, Pakistan, plenty of other places). a bit simplistic, obviously, and not entirely...
  5. T

    Getting in to gigs when you're underage

    all she has to do is turn up around soundcheck time and carry a box into the room while wearing a baseball cap
  6. T


    maybe it was charlie’s fave but the others all always hated it
  7. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    this is crucial. I reckon this john oliver bit, from back in May, during the most recent Gaza assault, might end up being seen as one of the moments that accompanied a flipping of the centre of gravity of american liberal opinion — which is one of the things that the Israeli state seem very...
  8. T


    i dunno man, it’s a pretty funny gif
  9. T

    2021 albums worth a listen....

    still yearning for sheer futurity in a capitalist realist hauntological blasted hellscape of eternal retro, etc
  10. T

    2021 albums worth a listen....

    yep, it’s that sort of thing for sure. and I do like some of it! but a few people were singing its praises as an experimental masterpiece, so I think I went in ready for some ornette coleman, george e. lewis, pauline oliveros level of weirdness
  11. T

    2021 albums worth a listen....

    people whose tastes I would trust are super-into this album, and I don’t get it... some nice moments but overall a bit meh tell me what I’m missing, peeps
  12. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    anyway it was just announced that sally rooney is recording the drums for her next novel at electrical audio, spiked online has already started complaining that the snare sounds like shit
  13. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    so steve albini is on twitter now and is doing a curious sort of reverse-cancelling and it’s pretty... refreshing?
  14. T


    the UK is desperately trying to goad the EU into overreacting in some way, so that they can blame everything on brussels, yet again. same old routine. the EU, I can imagine, is well aware that there is an election that has to happen by next may in Northern Ireland, where it seems fairly likely...
  15. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    does anyone have the details of just how this all started? like was sally *intending* for it to become a controversy, or was this some kind of attempt at a gotcha emerging from some fairly low-level publishing agreements? because if it was a gotcha, it doesn’t seem to be working out how they...
  16. T

    2021 albums worth a listen....

    am really into this. plenty of drones and strings and ominous moods. play loud while looking at a melting glacier
  17. T

    2021 albums worth a listen....

    saw a sound installation that lucy railton did a couple of weeks back in a former underground water reservoir, was pretty cool
  18. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    saw a perceptive comment along the lines that sally ought to now drive the point home by commissioning a translation into yiddish I bet she’s glad right now that she’s not on social media
  19. T


    yeah that angle in particular seemed a bit overdone, but generally it’s going to be a very grim winter in britain. and beyond that, the next couple of years don’t seem to have any real good news on the horizon for them. the french in particular would be perfectly happy if the island of britain...
  20. T

    US politics

    in fairness she overthrew the government of libya more-or-less off her own bat just to impress various pentagon ghouls. don’t think she was riding on anyone else’s CV