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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T


    huh hmmm
  2. T


    can someone explain what was objectionable about the name girl band. not trying to be contrarian here, I genuinely want to know the substance of the complaint. is it because they’re all dudes?
  3. T

    Country music

    might be worth considering that irish trad has had its share of racist hypercatholic weirdos
  4. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    posted that back in july, when cuban vaccination rates were around 30% first dose, 19% fully vaxed. now heading for 90% first dose, 70% fully vaxed. with their own home-produced shot. they’ll be at more-or-less done by the end of the year, which is when they can start to consider exporting their...
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    You know you're getting old....

    we all love lizzy but huey lewis is right there in the middle of live and dangerous and we all just pretend not to notice
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    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    these people fundamentally misunderstand their own political system. the whole point of tory MPs existing is to allow a legal, measurable, predictable channel of bribery and influence-peddling. I’m not saying this as a provocation or anything. It really is the whole point of the system.
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    US politics

    my mother was an au-pair in Italy in the 1970s. I remember her trying to explain pizza to me in the grim Dun Laoghaire of the late 80s. I think it took until sometime in the 2010s before she tasted a pizza in Ireland that she was willing to consider as being in any way close to what she’d had...
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    anyway, let’s figure out what’s coming our way in the next couple of weeks, eh? *ominous music* TRIGGERING ARTICLE SIXTEEN so david frost seems all gung-ho to do this, but ultimately it’s boris’s call. will boris do it? they’ve certainly done all of the groundwork for it, so now we’re into...
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    still suspended from his own party, for over a year now england is such a bizarre place. I’ve been looking at it all my life and I sort of feel like I understand it less now than I ever might have before
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    ok I’m going to try to stop with this now, I’m just repeating myself
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    yep, I reckon so. a related point: I was feeling like I was *also* in an impossible situation, because I didn’t want to be presenting some kind of centrist-big-brother appeal-to-authority type of perspective. I *also* hate all the apps and passes and checks and tests and authoritarian...
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    thanks. can’t wait until I’m having the same pointless arguments in the metaverse in 2034. one thing that was revealing to me in the discussions was that we both had completely different understandings of the word ‘solidarity’. I said that getting vaxxed was an act of solidarity with the...
  13. T

    The WTF Thread

    not too much point trying to draw a line between the aesthetic and the financial and expecting anything to make sense. that’s not how this corner of the world works
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    ...unsaid, despite the strong urge to say them. then I went for a walk, and now I’m writing these thoughts down here (I suppose so that they can go *somewhere* and not just rattle around in my head). I was trying my best to figure out some way to reframe how I think about this, because I don’t...
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    Hellworld Thread

    ...because of this space-race institutional knowledge — but now that the knowledge is gone, it’s probably not possible to send people to the moon *now*. paradoxically, there was basically no CGI in 1969, so it was completely impossible for them to fake the moon landings back then. or to put...
  16. T


    hmm you raise a relevant point
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    ...but in a very different way to the way in which, historically, it has been a headache — now it’s a direct obstacle to getting everything *else* to happen, instead of just a troublesome faraway place full of mystery and frustration. And additionally, this UK government is unusually dependent...
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    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    see this right here is why I love thumped and hate facebook no snark, this is so wholesome and so rare and so human. high-fives everyone. hugs all round
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    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    why is there not already a punk band called this
  20. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    in other news, every frustrated writer in the world is living through the exquisite agony of pure envy witnessing how it is still possible, in 2021, for a novel — a fucking novel — to not only be zeitgeisty but to actually cause news