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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    The Beatles

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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    they are working on a nasal-spray version, which solves the problem for needle-phobic people and would also probably get most hippies on board because it feels a bit like vaping
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    I know I keep droning on about it but I’m pretty convinced that the cubans will be the ones to get us out of this mess... basically the only non-patent room-temperature vaccine so far
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    the WHO is going to name the new variant today. probably call it gamma or something crappy my proposals: - CRUSHER - MOLOTOV - FLAMETHROWER - ABANDON HOPE
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    Hellworld Thread

    the point is more that among the people explicitly targeted by the nazis for extermination, the jews were not only the vast majority of the victims, but were also the intended target. millions of soviet citizens went to camps, not because the nazis ardently wanted them dead specifically, but...
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    Trigger Warning

    this is very true. there’s a PhD waiting to be written on the crusty-to-Qanon pipeline.
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    If I have a choice between moderna and pfizer for my booster, whaddya reckon I should go for
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    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    it’s almost friday so... thread bump my lady friend was talking about this song yesterday and it really, really, really stands up. it’s a fantastic pop tune.
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    Hellworld Thread

    I suppose any attempt to make a chart like this is going to inevitably invite quibbling, but putting “deep state” up in the red zone, without any further context or surrounding, seems... unhelpful? simplistic? reductive?
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    Hellworld Thread

    never knew that denver international airport was some sort of locus of conspiracy weirdness. wait til the Qanoners hear about busaras
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    true, true though I reckon they’ll wait til 2024 — they’ll let the russians have their gig first, then invade on the hundredth anniversary of the formation of the united front so anyway, brexit is going great
  12. T


    so it seems like boris chickened out, probably after seeing that the americans were really not amused at this idea the alternative reading is that he wants to have a more-or-less brexit-hassle-free christmas, and then do all the article sixteen shenanigans in january instead, when everyone will...
  13. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    we’ve run out of colours on the maps now. originally the map was only meant to go to bright red. then they had to add purple, then dark purple, then black. now the areas that are beyond black are... grey. and then beyond grey they’re... back to white, which is where they started. basically...
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    The WTF Thread

    here, not to ruin the fun, but the video is pretty clearly overdubbed as a shreds-style parody. you’re not hearing jack ma play the electrified rock and roll geetar in this video, kids
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    I know they’re confusing but really it’s very simple: they’re kind of like bitcoin, but also a unique digital artwork at the same time
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    they’ve only been free again since monday, before that it was €3 or €4 a pop for the antigen ones, or €50 for the PCR
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    my secret revealed
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    by way of comparison... I always thought rapeman was a stupid, offensive, sexist name for a band (and I saw in a recent interview that apparently albini now agrees, just thirty years too late) but at the same time I always tended to give it a pass of sorts, in the context of the times. rapeman...
  19. T


    there is a significant extra layer to all of this in that vietnamese americans are, generally speaking, the exiled former elite that the communists sent packing, for whom ‘viet cong’ is politically offensive. contrast that to germany, where the significant population of vietnamese germans are...
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    yep, fair enough, I’m not having a go at them, just old man taubstumm trying to keep up with the kids here