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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T


    see also: lamarckism and lysenkoism
  2. T


    I had thought that a lot of the problems derived from the fact that evolution is a gene-level process, not an organism-level one, but that a lot of people get this backwards, and suddenly turn into proto-nazi social-darwinists dressing their biases up as science
  3. T

    General election 2020

    ok, programmer nerds... if you want to get a little dose of attention, make a website or a twitter bot that serves up automated absurdist anti-shinner hot-takes. the articles are basically saying the same five things over and over.
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    Basic income for artists

    five minutes in, you have a conceptualist who says that the entire world is their artwork, and so whatever they buy with the currency is, ipso facto, art-related
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    Basic income for artists

    as a thought-experiment approach to this, it would be interesting if a certain chunk of the supported artists — say, 15% — would have to be people who have never previously received any arts council funding, or any similar support. that a corner of it is purely for total weirdos who aren’t in...
  6. T

    Basic income for artists

    this is the kind of scheme that has to be done badly first in order to figure out how to do it well. assuming good faith on the government side, and assuming a willingness to allow it to run mostly open-ended, I can imagine that it could have some coherence and sustainability a few years down...
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    US Election 2024

    *confused face*
  8. T

    General election 2020

    we’re finally getting some semblance of an emerging left-right divide, a hundred years late, and it’s driving these clowns mad. the idea that the plain people of ireland disagree with their sensible neoliberalism just does not compute for them. In a way, I hope to see a lot more of these sorts...
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    US Election 2024

    when yuri andropov was appointed general secretary of the soviet union, he was widely regarded as emblematic of a generation of hopelessly out-of-touch gerontocratic coffin-dodgers. he was 68 years old. in 2024, hillary will be 77, donnie will be 78, joe will be 82. pelosi will be 84...
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    Sexism, god help us

    and on flipping back a couple of pages I see that you basically already dealt with this, ok, never mind
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    Sexism, god help us

    I know that this is unrelated to the general discussion of sexism, but am I right in understanding that the gardai basically grabbed a local romanian and were fine with this just being an open-and-shut story? like this crime is barely two days old and already we have colossal police incompetence...
  12. T

    Sexism, god help us

    it was quite eye-opening to talk to some female friends about this back in the day. it took me about a decade to finally understand that, when alone in public, men face occasional threats and danger but women face unending terror and dread, and that these are different things.
  13. T


    so I know I made the joke about putin up there, but I do think that it has a practical impact now on brexit stuff. he’s going to do something in ukraine — maybe not a full-scale invasion, but not nothing. the americans are going to react, and number one on their list will be to show a NATO...
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    panenka 76, or baggio 94?
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    would be a larf if putin picks exactly this moment to begin invading ukraine
  16. T

    Minor complaints thread

    yep, this kind of stuff. it gets irritating. and the thing is that if you look at any page on their blog, you can see that they have a swish new player and nice general layout more-or-less ready to go. so... why not roll out the new cuteness to the ordinary band pages? I’m guessing there’s...
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    What movie did you watch last night?

    doing part 3 of get back tonight so far glyn johns is the winner of the wondrous wardrobe prize second place billy preston, third place ringo last place john
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    Minor complaints thread

    the default bandcamp layout for an album is trapped in what seems like the 2011 internet. almost everything about it is so... clunky.
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    what are non-fungible tokens if not non-ecclesiastical settlements persevering
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    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    have we had this yet?