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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    apparently brain-dead but can’t be taken off life support until next-of-kin are contacted
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    2021 tunes worth a listen...

    strange pop in a warped cocteau twins sort of style
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    not directly brexit-related, but just a passing thought about the madness of the UK. boris has just announced, as part of his reshuffle, that Anne-Marie Trevelyan is their new trade minister. from the same family (by marriage) as the infamous charles trevelyan, he of the corn. 175 years on and...
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    Hellworld Thread

    so grim it actually got its own apocalyptic soundtrack from the canonical apocalyptic-soundtrackers of our era
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    Minor complaints thread

    first read this as referring to the black and irish thing above and thought woooooo hello racist johnny
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    Hellworld Thread

    jesus is this all basically heroin?
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    People Who Died

    yeah I know maybe I should have said genocide or something please don’t cancel me thumped, I was just curious about a thing
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    🎶 please allow me to introduce myself i’m a man who eats horse paste 🎶
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    Miscellaneous book trivia and stuff

    whoever the hell it is who is doing her marketing is certainly earning their dosh. it’s a bit bizarro that a mayo marxist is suddenly beyoncé. good books and all but the hoopla is pretty weird. there are even hype articles about how hyped up all the hype is...
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    People Who Died

    ok. to be clear, I am not trying to minimise or make excuses for statutory rape. I just wanted to clear up that he wasn’t also a murderer or something.
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    People Who Died

    what did bowie do? I’ve seen a couple of these sorts of snide comments about him but it never seems to resolve into any particular specifics. as far as I’m aware, he had the time when people thought he was a fascist, and he rode a load of possibly-underage groupies when he was a cokehead. not...
  12. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    I don’t think the level of popularity of poetry as a human activity has ever significantly fallen (or risen), it just has had to adapt to different social conditions. it also depends what you define as poetry. bob dylan ain’t poor.
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    Wire - 154 (1979)

    and hey, let’s just throw in minor threat’s cover of 12xu here also. different wire album, I know, but this is both amazing and hilarious.
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    Wire - 154 (1979)

    Here‘s the link for that — gotta scroll down a bit. unfortunately the video of the gig was only up for a short while, but the press release image is still there.
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    Wire - 154 (1979)

    also, 154 is very much the peak of wire-the-art-project. four people basically thinking of themselves as a shared conceptual art performance that took the form of a band. it’s something I was reminded of recently when I was looking at a video of talking heads from 1976 on the website of the...
  16. T

    Wire - 154 (1979)

    I remember reading a thing about early Minor Threat — I think it might have been in Michael Azzerad’s Our Band could be your Life — where there is a story about them playing some hardcore gig along with eight or nine other bands. each band gets up and plays their set. and every single band...
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    The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967)

    haha were you there that night?
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    The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967)

    Oh, and one more story about this album: I once was in a band that played a single gig, at a battle of the bands. all bands were given a ten-minute set, and all bands were given marks out of 100 by a panel of esteemed judges. any bands that went over time were deducted points for each minute...
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    The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967)

    what can I say, man. I was 13. I didn’t know anything. I do very strongly remember the sense-impression that I had that this band had to be a contemporary one. and so, in trying to reach back into the mind of my 13-year-old self, this is my theory of what I was thinking back then: ‘heroin’...
  20. T

    The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967)

    Oh, and the *second* velvets song that I ever heard was ‘who loves the sun’ my early-teenage brain was so very, very, very confused trying to figure out how those two songs were by the same band