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  1. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    There was an update on the Dalymount redevelopment plans in July: Losing Shelbourne as co-tenants and the general rising costs of construction work seem to have forced a...
  2. Richie

    People Who Died

    The singer from Q Lazzarus, apparently: Demo of that track I had never heard before:
  3. Richie


    Blair, for all his faults, had a sort of charisma and came across as someone with an actual vision for the country's future.. Starmer, presumably in reaction to the 2019 election, just seems terrified of expressing any sort of stance that could be conveyed as vaguely leftish or un-British, to...
  4. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    England beat Norway 8-0 in the women's Euros.. I'd heard at least 2 pundits on football podcasts talking up Norway as tournament dark horses over the last week, LOL.
  5. Richie

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    For me they're one of the rare examples of a band I lost interest in (starting with The Great Destroyer in 2005 which I only liked about 40%, and reaching a nadir with C'Mon and The Invisible Way, which I found bland though they have some nice tracks), but really got back into - I think their...
  6. Richie

    Low - HEY WHAT (2021)

    They were good last night.. My first gig since Covid started. I still regard their Sub Pop era stuff as 'recent Low' so when they break out something from the Great Destroyer and it's cheered like an old classic I suddenly realize that stuff is nearly 20 years old and it makes me feel ancient...
  7. Richie

    The Monkey Island Thread

    A new Monkey Island game on the way 30 years later from the original creator Ron Gilbert: Had a blast playing through his retro point and clicker Thimbleweed Park on the ipad a couple of years back, so I trust he still has the knack for it.
  8. Richie

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    Somewhat in line with Boucher Hayes' summary of the IPCC recommendations, I read Jason Hickel's book Less is More about the degrowth concept a few weeks ago.. His case is, in short, as long as capitalism is the dominant economic mechanism, we're fucked, because: 1.capitalism requires us to grow...
  9. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    Canada topping the CONCACAF group and reaching their 2nd ever World Cup has to be one of the big surprise stories in world football of the last few years.. They were totally hopeless when I was living there 10 years ago, outside the top 100 in the rankings and not even making the final...
  10. Richie

    Space is the Place

    This Youtube channel is pretty great, if you're a bit of a space/astronomy nerd:
  11. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    The North Maccies won in Germany during the qualifying group and managed 2nd place, I guess tonight wasn't a fluke even if they relied a bit on Italy's backup strikers blowing their chances. Surely beating Ronaldo & co. will be a bridge too far, much as I'd love to see them do it.
  12. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    Italy hilariously dumped out of the World Cup playoffs by North Macedonia. Did Italy's 2006 win come with some terrible curse? Since then they've gone out in the group stages twice and not qualified twice, they haven't played a World Cup knockout game since winning it. They've reached the...
  13. Richie

    General election 2020

    They feel totally moribund at this point.. badly in need of an infusion of youth but if you're a young leftie why would you bother with Labour? I like Bacik from what I know of her and she's less objectionable than Kelly in a lot of ways but a bit too easy to portray her as an out of touch...
  14. Richie

    i hate this guy

    He'll always be PC Zone magazine's most 'edgy' games reviewer to me..
  15. Richie

    US politics

    I think this Youtube lad gives a similar take here:
  16. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Burning - Korean movie from 2018.. I really liked this, an enigmatic slow burner (no pun intended), languid mystery / social drama based on a Murakami short story.
  17. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Licorice Pizza - felt like a bit of a companion piece to Inherent Vice, being firstly another 'Paul Thomas Anderson does the 70s' and secondly a shaggy dog story with a good bit of comedy thrown in that seems to follow every random detour all the way down (though in many ways a lot easier to...
  18. Richie


    The attempts to ratchet up criminalization of protesting over there seems like something worth keeping an eye on:
  19. Richie

    The Beatles

    One of George's zany Indian instruments maybe? Though I've just spent 5 minutes on Google Image search with the term 'indian instruments' and haven't come up with anything similar looking.
  20. Richie

    forthcoming film trailers

    Apparently there's a new PT Anderson movie out quite soon, featuring one of the Haim sisters..