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  1. Richie

    thread for old songs with mad videos you'd never seen til now

    For some reason I’d only ever seen the version of this with the penguins wandering around, not this hilariously 70ish official vid with Jean Michel staring enigmatically into the camera in his mirror shades and hitting the globe like a golf ball.
  2. Richie


    I'm surprised Dilbert didn't already get cancelled a few years back for Scott Adams being a Trump admirer, quasi men's right activist and putting himself forward of some kind of master of predicting & controlling human interactions, neuro linguistic programming and the like.. he's been going...
  3. Richie

    General election 2020

    I like the Soc Dems and their candidates but they seem perennially stuck around the 4-5% polling mark, almost exactly the same level as Labour.. I guess they might need Sinn Fein to have a bad term in government and really lose their lustre to seem like the next in line potential non FF/FG...
  4. Richie


    Labour voters went 70% for remain, Corbyn might have been lukewarm in campaigning for it (basically being a 1970s Labour type who was suspicious of the EEC from the get-go as being some capitalist scheme to depress wages and collective bargaining power) but among those worthy of blame I think...
  5. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    I was at the Wales game in 2017 where his thigh was snapped nearly in half by that horrible tackle, I think he's spent the whole latter part of his career recovering from that really, probably never quite the same player.. Dyche seems to want him to get forward more which is good.
  6. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    Super bit of opportunism from Seamus Coleman the other day, wasn't it?
  7. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    The charges are coming from the Premier League organization though, right? Someone on one of the football podcasts was suggesting that the PL are doing this now because there's a threat of greater UK government oversight of football finances and the PL need to be seen to be taking an active...
  8. Richie

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    I'd argue it's one of the small handful of rock/pop songs that fully justifies a ten minute runtime.. The 1978 live recordings from when they were touring Adventure and copied the Rolling Stone's amplifier / distortion setup are a good bit beefier than the album recordings, if that helps tip...
  9. Richie

    The career renaissance I don't get thread

    He made an awful lot of dreck back in the day.. I recent discovered this absolutely bizarre looking Brendan Fraser thing from the mid 90s: Thanks to the Blank Check podcast's Henry Sellick series for introducing me to that..
  10. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    Are Ireland fans allowed get slightly excited by Evan Ferguson? It feels like forever since we had a decent striker in the Premier League and he looks the real deal already at 18. I'm fully expecting him to quit football & join a cult, suffer a career ending injury and/or declare for England (he...
  11. Richie

    A U2 Thread

    The only good thing that might come out of this shite is a new episode of Scott Aukerman and Adam Scott's hilarious U2 podcast.
  12. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Saw Tar (with the fada on the a) - there's a lot going on in this, felt like I'd watched a miniseries worth of stuff condensed down to a single film. I'm not sure I'm on board with the mostly raving critical reviews but the central performance from Blanchett is certainly worth seeing. The pacing...
  13. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Finally got around to The French Dispatch after missing its cinema run a while back.. For me the best Wes Anderson movies are the ones that are most obviously comedies and set a few decades in the past (basically, Grand Budapest Hotel) so this ticked both of those boxes, in that the '60s setting...
  14. Richie

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Severance - for about 4 or 5 episodes I was intrigued by the concept, then I realized I was starting to find it rather silly.. I don't know if the combination of bleak corporate culture dystopia and surreal comedy quite gels together, I found the shifts in tone a bit jarring. Great cast and I...
  15. Richie

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    The Aussies managing to reach the 2nd round is highly impressive, that is a lower-end Championship level squad, I gave them no chance in that group.. also taking a fair bit of shameful joy in Denmark having a shit tournament, given our miserable struggles against them over the last few years.
  16. Richie

    England vs Wales

    I would have said Wales were obviously better than us up until recently, but on the evidence of this tournament (i.e. it seems their best 2 players Bale and Ramsey are well into their career twilight at this point) I'd put them about level with Ireland now. They did well to qualify but it's no...
  17. Richie

    Unpopular Opinions

  18. Richie

    People Who Died

    Really sad to hear about Mimi Parker. Besides Low being an excellent group (one of my favourites, and one that was still making great stuff in its 3rd decade), they've always come across as really lovely kind-hearted people.. she will really be missed.
  19. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I saw this last night, I've enjoyed the previous Park Chan Wook movies I've seen but I honestly found this one hard work.. I liked the basic framework of it being sort of Hitchcock type story (cop becomes obsessed romantically with a murder suspect) & there were some cool stylized shot choices &...
  20. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    Holland, France, Greece & Gibraltar in our Euro 2024 group.. Laughably difficult on paper, the one upside being a lot of high profile glamour fixtures and the fact that Kenny's Ireland, when they have managed to look vaguely convincing, have tended to do it against the bigger teams. Very...