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  • Users: needtokill
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  1. needtokill

    new FROM ASHES RISE/STRIKE ANYWHERE albums.. in the shop..just letting ye know cos we have very few copies (only 2 of each on cd, 1 FAR on wanky ltd red/black vinyl), so anyone who wants em might want to get down to us asap.Be warned, both on Jade Tree, so the FAR cd/lp is a lot more expensive thean i'd like because it cost us Jade...
  2. needtokill


    MAKILADORAS= Absolutely vicious female fronted downtuned brutal Dutch destructoviolence punk with.Amazing stuff, you have to see them , a total whirlwind of crushing power,a mixture of His hero Is Gone,Seein' Red,Fleas and Lice style femme vox and teeth shattering precision.Fond of a drink as...
  3. needtokill


    GZ/Old Grumpy Bastard presents: ASSCHAPEL - crushing grind/crust/metal action like Bolt Thrower meets Tragedy meets Dungeons and Dragons MY OWN LIES - raging tight as fuck fast thrash with Stack members SCIENTIFIC BONG - Chongviolence and maybe others possibly. at the Lower Deck, Portobello...
  4. needtokill

    URGENT!HELP NEEDED!Remains of the Day tour!

    Just when things were going so well.. okay,as well as being in an inhuman amount of pain courtesy of a wisdom tooth, I've just been informed that the planned Remains of The Day/Keitzer date in cork isn't happening so.. Basically if anyone can put on REMAINS OF THE DAY (Usa) and KEITZER (Ger)...
  5. needtokill

    i'm coming out

    to all those who know me, i have an announcement to make and i want the whole world to know. i have finally faced up to something, something that i have for a long time known deep down inside. i have to admit to myself and the world that i am not actually gay. i tried it for a few years (you...
  6. needtokill

    ALREADY DEAD demo out now

    Heya just if anyone's interested,we recorded practice on a 4 track last night and it actually turned out pretty well,so consequently we thought it'd be nice to make it available to anyone who might want a copy.There's 5 songs with a cover and lyric sheet,and basically it's free to anyone who...
  7. needtokill

    Galway kids..hhheeeeellllp!!!!!

    By chance do any of you fine Galway folk know a metaller from your fair city called Liam Griffey?If so please get him to contact the record store on 016797272 as soon as possible about an order he placed... cheers. jamie
  8. needtokill

    HELP!!Castlebar gigs?

    Can anyone give me any info on who to contact about sorting out gigs in Castlebar?It'd be much appreciated..please MAIL it to me (ie pleeeease don't post it here or pm me or anything) at [email protected] cheers Jamie
  9. needtokill

    records for sale

    okay, stuff that's turned up so far: if anyone's interested then drop me a line next week, I'll be going away tomorrow till next tuesday..By which time I might have more stuff. All these though are 3.50 Born/Dead 7" (awesome political East Bay punk/hc like what Econochrist might sound like if...
  10. needtokill


    Okay. MAKILADORAS from Holland are supposed to be coming over for a little jaunt around the country with ALREADY DEAD the second last week in November. Cleverly,neither band has any form of transport,or indeed the ability to drive. And so, the age old question : Does anyone either have a...