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  • Before: Nov 19, 2008
  • Users: falsemonkey
  • Order by date
  1. falsemonkey


    I wear a cycle helmet. I probably look like a fucking knob-stretch when cycling anyway, huffing and puffing down the road, so fuck it. I put a Lobotomies sticker on the side of the helmet, so that makes me punk as fuck.
  2. falsemonkey

    Mini Fest Type thing Galway 12-14 June

    Nice line up. Only ever been to Galway once. maybe its time for another visit.
  3. falsemonkey

    20BE stuff

    Have a listen to this new track. We recorded 5 new tracks that will be on a new CD that we'll be selling once its finished for a couple of Euros. For a while we had a bad rep round these parts for being a shit band. Which was fair. But the new stuff we've written is different and hopefully...
  4. falsemonkey

    playlist time

    Other listening: quicksand - slip CIV - Set Your Goals Fireside - Do not tailgate Snuff - Snuff said lagwagon - Hoss
  5. falsemonkey

    playlist time

    Savage, Digging this record out tonight to listen to it.
  6. falsemonkey

    sex pistols

    Fuck them. and Fuck Electric Picnic.
  7. falsemonkey

    Ideal Irish Bands Festival line up

    Lobotomies Only Fumes..... Kid Blunt Vicious Dig Steam Pig dangerfields Knifed Old Cold War
  8. falsemonkey

    Alan Partridge

    Where he was the sports / football presenter "Goal!" someone kicks the ball back into the goal in celebration "And another one!"
  9. falsemonkey

    playlist time

    Is this one any use?
  10. falsemonkey

    HORSE the band in Ireland

  11. falsemonkey

    HORSE the band in Ireland

    Who is putting them on? deadly band.
  12. falsemonkey


    Nice One. Will probably be in touch.
  13. falsemonkey

    The Mingers/Only Fumes & Corpses/Los Mendozas tour

    The poster for this seems to be blocked in my work. Where and when is this?
  14. falsemonkey

    Guitar & Amp & Pedal For Sale

    Hello. I'll sell this amp for €280. Buy it.
  15. falsemonkey

    4x12 cab wt/ celestion vintage 30's

    Here. Interested in this. PM'ed you.
  16. falsemonkey

    What was the first gig you ever went to??

    I used to really like them. Totally forgot they ever existed.
  17. falsemonkey

    Only Fumes & Corpses MP3

    When are you next playing in Dublin? I can't look at your myspace page for listings because its blocked in work. Which is a pain in the hole. My Orange T-shirt perished and want to purchase a new one. Cheers Gav
  18. falsemonkey

    What was the first gig you ever went to??

    First concert - Neds Atomic Dustbin, sometime in 1992/3 First DIY Punk / Hardcore gig - Bus Station Loonies / UK Subs / Spudgun / Springboard Plymouth 1997?