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  • Before: Sep 24, 2008
  • Users: sarah
  • Order by date
  1. sarah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    cool I shall check that out next, slowed way down in the pace that I'm getting through musicophilia, college reading rudely interrupted.
  2. sarah

    courses in the gallery of photography

    have gone to the first one of these so far so, good covered some basic stuff like aperture/shutter speed etc. But has already got me thinking about photos more actively. Went out and got adobe elements to start getting dug into post processing, and to get as much as possible out of the...
  3. sarah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I saw him do a lecture when he was promoting that book, very entertaining. I have an embarrassing grasp of basic grammatical principles so I think I would find the book a bit too much like hard work. But he's hugely entertaining. I'm half way through by oliver sacks...
  4. sarah

    eye candy

    holy crap i really shouldn't have clicked on that, it looks great... have been procrastinating over a report for the last two days... i'm off to plug the internet out or else I'm doomed! :o p.s. how you reckon they did that pick?
  5. sarah

    eye candy

    a lot of these are taken through the viewfinder of another camera search ttv on flickr and you'll see an exact description. these cameras are generally used for the purpose and these are the kinda quality of photo you get.. ocean blvd. #2 on Flickr - Photo Sharing! I...
  6. sarah


    who here has bought and driven a car on a provisional? Is it completely illegal to drive on your own on your second provisional? what's the cheapest way to do this insurance wise?? ... getting a car-enthusiast bud to help with shopping. will be buying it early summer for learning to drive, and...
  7. sarah

    cheap reliable mac compatible printer?

    la la did you get a printer ? if so which one, need a cheap, easy-on-ink job as well. cheap being the operative word!
  8. sarah

    courses in the gallery of photography

    i hear good things of two people and am booked in for a course starting sat. so will let you know. i'm doing the digital one,cause they show ya how to get the most out of your equipment (including laptop post processing)
  9. sarah

    have you been to croatia, slovenia and austria?

    i've been to innsbruck in Austria very nice, if going in winter months, we went night tobaganing (oh god no idea of sp!) which was mad and dangerous and deadly and cold if you are stupid enough to wear a pair of mary jane flats in the midst of a snow covered mountain, which i was. highly...
  10. sarah

    eye candy

  11. sarah

    eye candy

    but a few of the fab flickr photos i've come across. a mere drizzle of candied loveliness
  12. sarah

    travelling photography practicalities.

    just got an ipod camera adapter for crimbo of the bit o'fluff. means I can just use the ipod to throw all excess photos onto if/when run outta memory card space. haven't tried it yet but seems deadly. too lazy to post a linky.
  13. sarah

    david lynch hates the iPhone

    i love the fact you have all these gadgets i/e ipod, laptop and crap to watch streamed robbed movies and shows on. We rented out 28 weeks later yesterday and watching it on the big telly was nearly like a cinematic experience, after the crap quality screen size of aforementioned. The thrill of...
  14. sarah

    flickr: randomly found disturbing photos

    thing you've happened upon while refreshing the recently uploaded page :eek:
  15. sarah

    Photos of your Pets

    This morning freezing goigeousness in the memorial gardens :)
  16. sarah

    Bicycle buying dilemmas

    most sensibly put!:)
  17. sarah

    test your knowledge of the world

    that is deadly. can't really see where you're clicking on the one I had -tiny tiny. I shall definitely battle you in the future. i'm seequinn on it. must attempt work now though.:rolleyes:
  18. sarah

    test your knowledge of the world

    **** warning dangerously addictive***** i'm currently stuck on level seven, when it gets to africa my knowledge is embarrassing, have a tentative grasp of south america.:o
  19. sarah

    Random Depressing Phrases

    "relationships are hard, you really gotta work at them!"
  20. sarah

    Bicycle buying dilemmas

    people that would be looking for something other than a run of the mill light as above would be paying upwards of 40 squid anyways. I might have overestimated but led lights are going for 70 yups and I know a couple of guys who...