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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La


    make your announcements here, folks :eek: :p hehehehe hours of fun, ill never get any work done!
  2. La La


    i've been shopping around and saving for a laptop for a loooooooooong time. my initial dream laptop was a 14" iBook and that hasn't wavered, so I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to get. but i thought it would be good to ask any of you guys who have them how you find them. i'm mainly...
  3. La La

    Happy Birthday Unclealo and Shitepipe i say!

    let them eat cake .|..|
  4. La La

    Dana Reeve RIP;_ylt=Ah0uCgBuNZoBju.Ojlm8s1NAq4ov;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl that's pretty damn sad. :(
  5. La La

    Bouncing Boobies: Badoing!

    boobie simulator! actually these bras look pretty cool. check out what happens for the FF - G cup sizes when doing extreme/high impact sports!
  6. La La

    Oh My Gadd

    glitter gets three years. i dont think its been reported that he paid off two of the families whose daughters had been in the house with him, so i believe the charges and sentence were for another two girls. had he been held accountable for all the girls involved, who knows what sentence he...
  7. La La

    Attention Kirstie: Happy day you were born

    have a good one lady.:)
  8. La La

    Seamus Heaney / John Banville

    coming here for the Man Literary Festival, going to see them lecture on different days, one on my birthday! lookin forward to seeing them speak. has anyone read The Sea? i started The Untouchables aaaaaaages ago but only got halfway through.....
  9. La La

    don't you just love getting good news?

    my good news of the week (and possibly the year) is that Sigur Ros are making an unscheduled stop in Hong Kong to play for one night only in April before they go to Australia....and i might get to interview them too. life is full, full of surprises!!!!!!! ahhhh, cilla. dont you miss...
  10. La La

    Phillipines in a state of emergency

    uh oh.
  11. La La

    Can't edit life

    Can someone help me edit conversation I had with someone yesterday? The Edit button was there yesterday, but not today. The Handbook of Social Etiquette says "You may edit your conversation as you go along" but I can't figure out how to do it. :mad::heart: :D :rolleyes: :p :)
  12. La La

    wankers at work

    friend of mine messaged me about a guy she works with. she's just started in this job and yesterday as one of her colleagues was leaving, he casually shimmied up to her and said "you have a cracking pair of tits" she said "eh....excuse me?" and he replied "you heard me. i've been looking...
  13. La La

    Thumped Oscars

    inspired by something i saw on the chalets thread. make your nominations here, folks. (i dont know what the categories will be; lets just go with it and see what happens) Best Thumpeder: Best Comeback: Best dressed etc....i dunno, im pullin at straws here!
  14. La La

    great grandma? i mean gran? i mean....mum?

    BY DON SINGLETON DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER New mom Janise Wulf beams as husband Scott visits. At 62, Janise Wulf has enjoyed the privilege of becoming a grandmother and even a great-grandmother - but she's a new mother yet again. The Redding, Calif., woman, who's been blind since...
  15. La La

    i'm eating some nerds

    and i feel like i'm taking a trip down memory lane.
  16. La La

    Bored In Work 192

    ...~~~~~~~ > > and onion cream sauce, > > ~~~~~~~~ > > she chuckled and thought to herself: > > ~~~~~~~~ > > I don't f *** ing think so.
  17. La La


    AMAZING. oh. my. god. went on a second 'date' (haha) to see this last night, and by god it's an incredible movie. even if you've never been a big jet li fan, this shit's badass. the fight scenes are incredible and the cinematography too. highly highly highly recommended...
  18. La La


    the paper i work for is going through a 'period of readjustment' to put it lightly, and while the bullets are flying over my head, obviously i'm concerned about the well-being of my colleagues, there's alot of worry and whisperig and that sort of thing....they've just hired a group chief editor...
  19. La La

    Animal Haters are the worst people in the world

    some fuck dumped these puppies in a bin wrapped in plastic and newspaper. my colleague's friend found them and s trying to find them a home. it's tearing me apart that i can't take them, but the michael hutchence house wouldn't be right for them. neither would my working hours. look at these...
  20. La La

    New Abu Gharib pictures

    have you guys seen these yet? it's horrifying. according to reports, they are from the same batch as the lyndie england ones. they were initially broadcast by australian media, and the BBC site has got extensive coverage on it. pretty terrible stuff; so demoralising what they were doing to...