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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    Interesting news stories

    maybe this could be stickied? the idea is that people can post up odd/quirky/interesting news stories they come across and post them - or their respective links - here. Here's one about man-eating fish being used as a spa treatment. From the Times...
  2. La La


    my friend is marrying a detroitian in september and i think i can get time off to go. thing is, when i think of detroit, i think of grey, and of . has anyone ever been? anything good to do when there?
  3. La La

    charlie haughey on his deathbed

    im hearing rumbles of a bedside vigil
  4. La La

    Today's joke

    i'm being sent to the aiport to await the arrival of and interview... *drum roll* ehm.....*twiddles thumbs*
  5. La La

    hey wavioli

    brianoak wants me to push you under a tram when you come to HK. how do you feel about that?
  6. La La

    World Coup

    i am not one of those girls who sits there and pretends to be interested in who is playing. i have no care for football, whatsoever, despite growing up in a footie mad family. if it was my younger brother's school match or a world cup final, alls i know is i'd get more stimulation from watching...
  7. La La

    would you rather

    have a cock for an arm or a lad for a leg? be honest now. PS there is plenty more from where that came from. like this: ladies, would you rather have sex with fat bastard for a month or mini-me for a year?
  8. La La

    eye problem

    i cant see as im typing so please excuse any spelling mistakes. for the last few years i have had very random episodes in which i get these weird lights in my eyes, and all i can see in front of me ais a weird crstal like effect, and its happening again now. it feels mainly like it's in my left...
  9. La La


    is on TV and i'm cracking up. i've missed it so much, it was comic genius!
  10. La La

    Tiananmen massacre

    hard to believe it's 17 years tomorrow; i can remember it clear as a bell. HK was eerie, and people were driving around with black flags attached to the aerials. my plan is to get some pics of the Pillar of Shame and then head to Victoria Park for the remembrance day. will try and post pics soon :)
  11. La La


    is amazing! why did it take me so bleedin long to get it? happy daze.
  12. La La

    engagement rings

    a good friend of mine is gonna pop the question to his lovely lady. yesterday was his first excursion looking for the perfect ring. he asked me to go along with him to offer girly advice/opinion and to act as hand model. we went to family-run places, bigger chains, and Tiffany. the two from...
  13. La La

    if you could turn your rep into euro, what would you buy?

    snowboards and vinyl. oh, and a trip to canada. actually..........i didn't mention charity there. yeah i'd give some to charity.
  14. La La

    putting old vhs movies onto dvd

    i'm a total technophobe. ma has all these videos of us since we were babies and stuff (so we're talking some being 24 years old), and before their quality is compromised, i'd love to find out if there's a way for her to put them onto dvd. is this possible?
  15. La La

    i *may* have some good news for the lads

    men the world over will be using this to their advantage no doubt. "come on baby, Doc said your boobs would be safer this way"
  16. La La

    Ordinary Heroes

    who inspires you? right now, this guy is and joe simpson from Touching the Void.
  17. La La

    Ur doing well gor ur age Wheels on fire.

    Janer's typing abilities astound me pete, please merge this thread with gorillas mot as scare now. thanks L x:cool:
  18. La La

    taxi driver mistakenly interviewed on bbc

    this is one of teh funniest things i have ever seen. cackin myself laughin! The BBC's latest star - a baffled cabbie 22:56pm 13th May 2006 A computer expert has described his astonishment at seeing the BBC's 24-hour news channel interview a taxi driver - in the mistaken belief it was him...
  19. La La

    the tiger and the snow

    new roberto benigni film.. anyone seen it? i've only seen life is beautiful and i loved it.
  20. La La


    i will eat sauce with just about anything. i love mixing things that 'shouldn't' go together either. my ma makes the most incredible port sauce with honey, onions and carrots in it. just thinking about it near brings me to tears. my favourites are: her port sauce, bearnaise, and this...