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  • Before: Apr 11, 2024
  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    Goatees are just fanny faces, in a bad way.
  2. R

    Minor Pleasures

    I’ve gotten out of my reading slump and it’s a pretty great feeling.
  3. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    It's ok, that guy still asks how you're getting on. I'm going to just start making up shit to tell him.
  4. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    Are you serious? Oh you'll wear full trousers there but not when you're in a VERY FUCKING FANCY building. Anyway, glad to see that the whole "died of AIDS" thing was a myth.
  5. R

    Your work situation

    A woman in work called herself my Work Best Friend. I'm here 3 years and have only really remembered her name since October. This just makes me feel really sad, and a bit of a bitch, but mainly sad.
  6. R

    Your work situation

    They're a pack of fuckers and you deserve better.
  7. R

    Your work situation

    Do you think it could have been a disaster for everyone else too? Maybe that's a good thing.
  8. R

    What's wrong with

    No one is making you do anything. You made a choice, and this is your life now.
  9. R

    What's wrong with

    Thanks. Trying to get my head around it a tiny bit, but all I really know if that Johnny likes making photos of himself with it.
  10. R

    What's wrong with

    @pete Did you set the rules on what kind of images cant be generated or is that the way it is by default?
  11. R

    What's wrong with

    @BOTicelli can I have a picture of bears on Penny Farthing bikes at a renaissance fair?
  12. R

    Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse

    What are the main AI companies in Ireland? Would it be mainly Google, Meta, and Microsoft? NVIDIA dont have a base in Ireland, so I'm not counting them.
  13. R

    Home improvement

    I know a good one too but Gazzer is apparently an artist at it.
  14. R

    Your work situation

    Join and take him to the cleaners.
  15. R

    General Election 2025

  16. R

    General Election 2025

    Fun day in town . I had to get through 4 security checks to get into the office today, for all of the 5 protesters that are out there.
  17. R

    General Election 2025

    Yeah I'd assume all busses have rear cameras as standard.
  18. R

    What charity to donate to?

    Done I read that as “shrinkathon”, which was a little confusing.
  19. R

    Your work situation

    Is it an external job? Best of luck with it.
  20. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I’ve brought my daughter to school on a bank holiday and then drove in to work. We lived in Finglas and her school was in Blanchardstown. Luckily my folks live near so she was able to walk there. She was not impressed and was even more pissed the second time.