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  • Before: Apr 11, 2024
  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    TV Shows I don't Get

    It’s closer to a documentary than a comedy tv show.
  2. R

    Minor complaints thread

    We have a fireguard, so that’s something at least.
  3. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I’ve just noticed that we’ve no fire extinguisher, smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm. This can only end well.
  4. R

    Halloween 2023

    My boyfriend said no one had knocked here in 10 years but I bought too much so had my daughter make bigger bags of stuff. Ended up with about 25 kids calling in and they were delighted. Waking around today and a few ran over to say thank you. Maybe the flats aren’t all that bad.
  5. R

    Halloween 2023

    Firework show lasted about 30 mins straight here and now it’s just every 2 minutes or so. I’m over it now, not even the pretty colours are saving it for me.
  6. R

    Hellworld Thread

    Realistically, is there anything that people in Ireland can do to help people in Gaza? I’ve donated money a few times over the years and more in the last few weeks but aid isn’t getting through so I don’t know how useful that would be.
  7. R

    Conor McGregor

    It looks…. odd.
  8. R


    Just heard the rumour here too, but I’d assume it would have made the news already if it was true. Aaaaannnnd now I just clicked in to the other thread. Never mind .
  9. R

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    And now she’s decided she doesn’t want to go. Too big a venue etc etc. I spent €120 importing a stupid €45 Mitski jumper for her last Christmas and she could t be arsed taking free tickets. Kids these days. I’m genuinely fuming. No clue why as I’ve just saved some money.
  10. R

    Your work situation

  11. R

    Minor Pleasures

    Nah don’t be so hard on yourself, maybe he likes it that way. Who can tell?
  12. R

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Snap. My daughter went to see her last time she was here and loved it. I paid a stupid amount to get some of her merch last Christmas so two tickets for this will be cheaper than that fecking jumper.
  13. R


    When my daughter was 3, my little brother thought it was funny to teacher her to say “you smell like bacon” whenever she saw someone in a Guards uniform. It happened in the Blanchardstown shopping twice (one was a security guard, other was Gardai) and once to her great uncle in his full fancy...
  14. R

    Your work situation

    Kildare street is locked down and we were told to work from home. There doesn’t even to seem to be any protestors around this time.
  15. R

    Your work situation

    I think they do just under an extra hour a day for the 4 they’re in, so with breaks etc it’s not a lot of hours lost. I think I’d end up just doing unpaid overtime each week because the stuff still has to get done, but I’d be happy to do it for 3 days off.
  16. R

    Minor Pleasures

    People underestimate how bored and petty one person can be.
  17. R

    Minor Pleasures

    Yep, that’s now paid for car insurance and a trip to Wales.
  18. R

    Your work situation

    My partner is on the 4 day trial. I’ve told him that if he fucks this up, we’re over.
  19. R

    Your work situation

    My dad was a sahd in the 80s-90s. He built a shed out the back and worked there, while my mam went off to work. It suited them, but there was definitely a lot less supervision and general minding involved than now. Basically we were half feral.
  20. R

    Your work situation

    I would rather die.