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  • Before: Apr 11, 2024
  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    General Election 2025

    Yep looks like Leo is gone. Everything is going to be blamed on the Greens.
  2. R

    General Election 2025

    Leo might be stepping down to give the party the slightest hope in the few sets of elections. They’d have the guts of a year to get more hardline on immigration etc without it looking like they’re flip flopping.
  3. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Change the station. Take back your power. Burn everything.
  4. R

    General Election 2025

    Doubtful that it’s a general election. It could be someone big stepping down though. FG are dropping like flies and Alan Farrell will probably lose the whip because of what’s happened with the Assisted Dying report.
  5. R

    Minor Pleasures

    That’s brilliant, congratulations to you both.
  6. R

    Things I should have known before now...

    We’re getting married so I’ve been trying to set up a joint account but the BOI app is a pain. We have a joint Revolut that we top up every payday and just use that for most things.
  7. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I’ve been on antibiotics for 5 weeks now and feel sicker than when I started and now the muscles in my legs feel weird, so it’s starting to hurt walking up and down stairs. There’s 6 flights of stairs to my apartment, and no lift…
  8. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I’m close enough to the parade to hear a shit tonne of screaming and whistling, but too far away to see anything.
  9. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I’ll get you one.
  10. R

    Minor complaints thread

    You know you can just get one of those staple openers, right? Are you doing your usual “HIVES SMASH” thing?
  11. R

    Minor complaints thread

    So it’s a “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” type thing? Gotcha
  12. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Are places really strict on that? I’ve always been told that the whole 3 year cycle thing is more of a guideline.
  13. R

    Referendums 24, a woman's place is wherever she wants it to be?

    I'm tempted to go Yes/No with the votes but a no vote means they do feck all, like with the Seaned reform.
  14. R

    Clothes and haircuts

    Pretty sure you mentioned making your own sweet pickles at one point too.
  15. R

    Hellworld Thread

    People in direct provison are now asking to stay there after the process is finished, because there's nowhere for them and their families to go. The White paper has gone to crap and it's turned in to a shit show.
  16. R

    Referendums 24, a woman's place is wherever she wants it to be?

    Yep whip system in place as far as I know. There's still not 100% support as the wording is utter shite. Labour were the main party that were vocal about being hessitant but they're sorted out whatever their grivences were and pushing for a Yes.
  17. R

    Minor Pleasures

    I passed. I might finally be able to afford health insurance.
  18. R

    Minor complaints thread

    This is very solid advice! We had a wasp nest in the attic that we didnt know about, and I ended up feeling pretty shitty after a few weeks of showering in the decomposing remains of 100s of them.
  19. R

    The Snow.

    It's all brown and yellow mush here. So much yellow. I've lit the fire and made s'mores with @Jill Hives. Life is good.
  20. R

    General Election 2025

    He has a habit of talking in circles and contradicts his own arguments given enough time, and he doesn’t back these up with as much independent data as is needed. I appreciate what direction he wants society to go in but has the feel of a chancer. I still have no clue who to vote for. I went...