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  • Before: Jul 9, 2009
  • Users: Danny_Mc
  • Order by date
  1. Danny_Mc

    Awesome cover,awesome original.

    Just adding to the cool Sea Cruise cover up there...
  2. Danny_Mc

    Wanted: Sony discman

    I tried to lend mine to a mate in Cloverhill prison, it never got as far as him. The cunt at the desk kept it for himself! :mad:
  3. Danny_Mc

    Home and Away

    Holly Brisley(Amanda) is the best H&A actress in my opinion. I have cherished those porn pictures and they hold a special place on my hard drive..... I'd post some here but the dags at photobucket (the damned prudes) would object to such filth on their site.
  4. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    or at least a yearly tradition....
  5. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    This won't open for me...:confused: Ah there we go..... pretty cool alright!
  6. Danny_Mc

    The Jesus Lizard. Tuesday September 22

    Aw man.... was it that long ago? Now I feel old.....
  7. Danny_Mc

    F***in' C**ksucker

    Yeah, I have to agree that it's nonsense for home owners to think that they own the bit of street in front of their houses! They don't, simple as that. I see people putting barricades and wee cones and all sorts of illegal crap in front of their houses thinking that it's their parking space...
  8. Danny_Mc

    Celery anyone?

    Agreed! Horrible stuff that ruins whatever tasty stuff it comes in contact with...
  9. Danny_Mc

    The Jesus Lizard. Tuesday September 22

    They've played here before. They played in The Mean Fiddler a while back...
  10. Danny_Mc

    New Music You're Listening To

  11. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    That was me Dad, he followed me over from Gortahork.... he doesn't get out much these days and he got a little over excited...
  12. Danny_Mc

    Bands Named After Songs?

    Runnin' Riot after Cock Sparrer's Runnin' Riot
  13. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    Oh man look at that up there!! ... I second this motion!!
  14. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    No worries mate, I'll get you back next year! Good luck with court
  15. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    Ahh fuck redwatch and their strangeness! That stuff has been up for ages and I'm pretty sure it's been talked about on these boards before. Back to more important matters.... any titty pics from over the weekend...or willies (if your into that sort of thing)? And I ain't talking about the...
  16. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    Oh fair enough. I can't edit that post now for some reason though....
  17. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights fixed
  18. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    Hey Sean, just a suggestion but Sean "Septic" sounds a bit more punk than Sean "Pussy"!!! Folk might get the wrong idea mate ;)
  19. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    None of these blokes look like they are actually together at all..... Caption competition!
  20. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    Once again Janer! Well done with some great pics! Some great (foggy) memories there! Oh by the way.... Would