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  1. Danny_Mc

    angelic upstarts / splodgenessabounds / paranoid visions / primitevo

    Thought he quit?!! I remember when they played at HITS/WASTED last time, Mensi pulled out and a letter from him was read out explaining why he quit etc. The lad from Crashed Out took his place and I believe stayed with the Upstarts for a while, I'm surprised to see Mensi back again! I...
  2. Danny_Mc

    Flash CS3 hotkeys

    Can anyone tell me how to get the hotkeys to work in Flash? For example... when I want the "Actions" panel open, it should open with F9 but that one just controls iTunes and it skips a track!! I changed the key to "9" thinking that might help but it does nothing. I've tried holding down...
  3. Danny_Mc

    angelic upstarts / splodgenessabounds / paranoid visions / primitevo

    Should be good. The lad out of Crashed Out still singing for The Upstarts?
  4. Danny_Mc

    Chris Murray/MATE/Old Hands-Roisin Dubh-21 Aug

    Cool! Saw Chris Murray when he played in The Mezz a few years ago. Very good. Where is The Róisín Dubh?
  5. Danny_Mc

    Dark Room

    Anyone see this show on RTE last night? It was about photographer Harry Thuillier. It mentioned that he was attacked by a punk on Grafton Street while taking photos of the punks and was glassed in the face resulting in 80% loss of vision in one eye. The attacker was identified but did a...
  6. Danny_Mc

    Rebellion 2009 pics

    She fine :heart: Thats' Beki Bondage Damo
  7. Danny_Mc

    Rebellion 2009 pics

    Great pics! Missed it this year... check out this perv copping at look at this girls boobies...
  8. Danny_Mc

    animated gif thread

    Still funny
  9. Danny_Mc

    The Blame Belfast gig

    Meant to add some details to the above... Myspace link
  10. Danny_Mc

    The Blame Belfast gig

  11. Danny_Mc

    animated gif thread

  12. Danny_Mc

    Bored In Work 372

    I know it form The Judge Dredd story in 2000 ad "The Haunting of Sector House 9" many years ago drawn by Brett Ewins, I wonder if he knows he's been ripped off?
  13. Danny_Mc

    animated gif thread

  14. Danny_Mc


    Their scooters have gotten more high tech mind you....
  15. Danny_Mc

    Pics of new Saab 9-5 leaked

    "Ist der dick, Mann!" This is German for "It's the Dick Man" which is a Euro way of saying "That is the dogs bollox"
  16. Danny_Mc

    Bored In Work 370

    Re: Bored In Work 369 Second comes right after first......
  17. Danny_Mc

    I have the horn for...

    Not all the time mate....
  18. Danny_Mc

    new leatherface tune...

    "filmed at The Hive: Edinburgh, Scotland on May 21st 2009 by Bandit999" according to the info on the clip
  19. Danny_Mc

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    Here's me in me kecks....