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  1. Danny_Mc


    Doh! You beat me to it!
  2. Danny_Mc


    Ahh here. The guys and girls who drink in the Foggy are skinheads, this shower are not! :rolleyes:
  3. Danny_Mc

    XBox 360

    I'm trying to figure this out for a mate... I have suggested the HDTV/TV thing alright and they tell me that it ain't that! They don't have a HD Tv. I've been told that it was working fine this morning then just stopped during the day..... Thanks for the reply though
  4. Danny_Mc

    XBox 360

    Would any of you know what this problem might be with the Xbox.... When switched on... it's powers up ok, green light on panel et. The TV screen just goes black though! I have no idea what to do with it!! Any help would be appreciated
  5. Danny_Mc


    That would be an ecumenical matter!
  6. Danny_Mc


    "Ringleader Joseph McKenna (RDF member)" RDF have changed a lot from their crusty/anarcho days....
  7. Danny_Mc


    I'm gonna take a guess at a "serious smack habit" ? :confused:
  8. Danny_Mc

    NAZIS Well now I know who does their swazi tats!
  9. Danny_Mc

    Eircom fucking up myspace & other sites?

    Never mind....
  10. Danny_Mc

    Inglourious Basterds

    The whole scene in the French lad's house was great, really serious but then stuff like "do you mind if I smoke mine" and he pulls out that outlandish pipe!!
  11. Danny_Mc

    I have the horn for...

  12. Danny_Mc

    Septemberfest Venue

    Summer is well and truly over I'm afraid...... :(
  13. Danny_Mc

    The Blades appreciation thread

    Yeah that's the same lad alright. He played with The Mosquitoes for a while too.
  14. Danny_Mc

    The Blades appreciation thread

    Yeah I worked with Pat for a while, I was doing catering for movie folk. Nice bloke. They called him "Hollywood" for some reason.
  15. Danny_Mc

    Woman to marry an amusementy park ride.

    Ok that's enough... we give them the vote, we up their pay packets and now they are off marrying inanimate objects!! Bring back the birch I say.....
  16. Danny_Mc

    Photos from the scene

    I must've drunk more than I thought, I can't focus on the above at all....
  17. Danny_Mc

    Woman to marry an amusementy park ride.

    every marriage has it's ups and downs.... and vomit
  18. Danny_Mc

    Photos from the scene

    Ok which one of you is this...?
  19. Danny_Mc

    Woman to marry an amusementy park ride.

    I think the roller coaster can do a whole lot better to be honest....
  20. Danny_Mc

    Inglourious Basterds

    Ha! The accent! And he was the best Italian speaker of them all! :D