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  • Before: Sep 16, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    Langdon Beck release gig

    ok how about a raffle and winner gets a slice of pizza and a 'signed' copy of the ep.
  2. mc moley

    Langdon Beck release gig

    anybody have any ideas that might spice this gig up a bit.kinda wanna make it a bit more craic cuz its a release gig n all. i was thinkin balloons and crisps but was advised against it. anything we can do to make it more fun? a raffle or something?
  3. mc moley

    Langdon Beck release gig

    everybody go to this or scene death will ensue!!!!
  4. mc moley

    Kid Blunt in english apathy shocker!

    thanks for the kind words bin! we're in grimsby hopefully all will be well.
  5. mc moley

    Thieving Liars Irish Tour Dates

    maybe its cause they thieve and lie? they got cool hobo symbols on their cd that apparently mean danger thievs amongst us or something like that. interesting actually hobos used to leave sybols on walls, whch could mean something like nice lady lives here, or lotsa cops about etc...thats cool...
  6. mc moley

    Snowblood/Easpa Measa/Dograck

    i wish all dublin pubs were near our last bus place. i dont think ill ever get over the music room. i want to be buried there
  7. mc moley

    Langdon Beck 7 song ep

    oh yeah
  8. mc moley

    Thieving Liars Irish Tour Dates

    probably not.....?
  9. mc moley

    Kilcoole gig sunday

    we made 2 movies last year one was a zombie one that turned out ok and the other was a mass murderer type thing...that turned out deadly. theres a scene in it with 20 or so people lying in eoins sitting room covered in blood. then wogger gets fucked in the ass by stephen hughes...good clean fun.
  10. mc moley

    Thieving Liars Irish Tour Dates

    cool thanks guys. you guys are both as cool as the fonz
  11. mc moley

    Thieving Liars Irish Tour Dates

    actually is there anybody out there who wants to do a gig in kilkenny on the 13th? anybody?
  12. mc moley

    Langdon Beck 7 song ep

    yeah it'll be 9....isnt it hunting season up there for people from the republic?
  13. mc moley

    Langdon Beck 7 song ep

    we were considering changing the name to langdon bach
  14. mc moley

    Langdon Beck 7 song ep

    will do!
  15. mc moley

    Langdon Beck 7 song ep

    Langdon Beck will be releaseing a 7 song ep in Ireland in mid august. Due to a uk tour it'll be out in england and scotland first then we're gonna tour good ol eire from around aug 14-22 or so with the u.s. band thieving liars. the official release party will be in dublin on the 19th put on...
  16. mc moley


    do normal cheap earplugs do much or do they do feck all? we use ear defenders when we practice...ya know the big ear muff things that airplane traffic controllers use...we look like friggin morans but tis worth it. i try and wear ear plugs at gigs but if you sing in a band its hard to wear...
  17. mc moley

    Knifed/Boxed In england/scotland tour

    if that aint enough tell your friends to look out for langdon beck and kid blunt on tour in england and scotland. havnt got a clue about dates turlok and stephen set it up.|..| im gonna try and go to one of those knifed gigs on one of our days off!
  18. mc moley

    Thieving Liars Irish Tour Dates

    oh yeah if anybody is putting on a gig on the 16th or 17th (mon + tues) of aug could you let me know if ya have a spare slot so these guys can play? thanks.|..|
  19. mc moley

    Thieving Liars Irish Tour Dates

    East coast Hardcore band Thieving Liars will be playing Ireland on the following dates...... Sun 15th of Aug Bray (w/langdon beck) Wed 18th of Aug LONGFORD (w/langdon beck) Thurs 19th DUBLIN (Langdon Beck release party!!!) Fri 20th CORK (w/my remorse i...
  20. mc moley

    Kilcoole gig sunday

    yeah twas good fun. tracks for the cd had margin of error, easpa m, langdon beck, will n stef, sum stuff from eoin and sum stuff from ross, as well as collaberations with the sugar bombs(ger)+kid blunt and sum cheese puffs. getting it to distros and stuff like that would be a good idea but...