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  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey

    If a band can't exist exist without money, then the band shouln't exist.

    Indeed. Especially the 'buying money' part.
  2. Corey

    If a band can't exist exist without money, then the band shouln't exist.

    If Corey cant get the jist of the thread in the last three posts then Corey should'nt be reading the.... Shut up Corey.
  3. Corey

    Look on my works, ye mighty,

    He's dead.
  4. Corey

    Thumped ladies and their user names

    Wait. La la's a chick?
  5. Corey

    The Fighting thread.

  6. Corey

    The Fighting thread.

    Whisper it tenderly into my gaping ringpiece, you whingeing shower of pinko cunts.
  7. Corey

    Happy Birthday to nlgbbbblth on 28th January 2009

    Happy birthday you banker.
  8. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    High five. No,no.Other hand.
  9. Corey

    Bring Back Rep.

    Pete, lock this thread.
  10. Corey

    Bring Back Rep.

    Ha ha!! Look at my rep you cunts!! Bow down. Bow. Down
  11. Corey

    Bring Back Rep.

    Remember the good old days? Fighting for no reason, crying at your screen, putting hexes on people you were never ever going to see or know, feeling like an internet diety and generally throwing it around like you fucking owned the place. I'm willing to start back on zero. C'mon pete...
  12. Corey

    Cadbury Creme Egg

  13. Corey

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy What a cracker. Read it.
  14. Corey

    The all new hangover thread.

    Losers. I was up all night partying with a cute blonde and feel great.
  15. Corey

    Uncool music you love

    Harry & His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs. Super-Why. Peppa Pig. Spongebob Squarepants is pretty good though. I think it's Primus.
  16. Corey

    Joacin Phoenix Raps on stage, falls off same

    Nice Beard.
  17. Corey

    The Lovin' Thread

    "Damn girl, you make a nigga wanna fuck."
  18. Corey

    Cadbury Creme Egg

  19. Corey

    happy birthday Moose

    Eirecore party then is it? I'm overdressed. Happy MooseDay boss.
  20. Corey

    america is just a word but i use it

    Goes on a bit, does'nt it?