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  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey

    Post your latest dreams here

    Once again, just because. Willie Nelson: Dinosaur Hunter.
  2. Corey

    fuck this

    Actually, fuck that.
  3. Corey

    fuck this

  4. Corey

    Real Life People I have the Horn For

    Time Passes, Seasons Change. Old Love Withers, And the Good die Young. What's Wrong with Thumped?
  5. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    Whoa. Really?
  6. Corey


  7. Corey

    The Grand National

    Fucksake Jane.
  8. Corey


    No. No,no,no.
  9. Corey


  10. Corey

    Quotes from your child

    Paddy's Day. Bought new scooter, went up killiney hill in order check it's two-person death-ride capabilities. On the way up: "Papa, this is a Mazin' hill. It's magic. Do fairies live here?" "Bono lives here" "Who's Bono?" "Bono's King of the Fairies" "oh." On the way down, we were...
  11. Corey

    new liverpool thread - everyone loves them

    5. More. Years. 5. More. Years. Shut up Corey, you dont even like football.
  12. Corey

    Natasha Richardson has just died

    There's nothing positive about an early dirt nap. 12 and 13 years is a fucking awful age to lose a parent and all.
  13. Corey

    Bob Dylan Appreciation thread

    Yeah. I'm in.
  14. Corey

    recommend me classical music

    Part's Lamentate is quite nice and all.
  15. Corey

    Meeting People

    I never said it did'nt work.
  16. Corey

    Meeting People

    "Help me. I've got Beaver Fever."
  17. Corey

    Unbelievable national geographic Pic.Of a see through fish

    The video footage should be there.
  18. Corey

    Happy Birthday to Luther Blissett, La La, holly_rackis on 6th March 2009

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANDYPANTS. and to the other two less good looking people.