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  • Before: Aug 14, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    Respect in Irish Music Industry!

    I'm so cofused by this thread I'm starting to a pervy way. yummy.
  2. rumpus

    Wallet Yoink

    thats terrible. I hate thieves. :mad:
  3. rumpus

    Settler, El Diablo, Omelette

    no such thing, troy my man.
  4. rumpus

    Settler, El Diablo, Omelette

    cant it be both combined, eh? eh? EH?!;)
  5. rumpus

    Settler, El Diablo, Omelette

    I mean no harm roxy. I have no prejudices based on hair colourage.
  6. rumpus

    Reject Nomination of Bush and Blair for Nobel Prize

    Reject Nomination of Bush and Blair for Nobel Prize
  7. rumpus

    Settler, El Diablo, Omelette

    Dont thinks so, gee features......wait, are you a 15 year ginger girl? If not you HAVE to meet this young one.
  8. rumpus

    Settler, El Diablo, Omelette

    ..a healthy crowd for a rainy tuesday... good fun had. :)
  9. rumpus

    That tit on Grafton Street

    boy that would be sweet to witness did he cry? say he cried.
  10. rumpus

    Settler, El Diablo, Omelette

    :eek: I was sharpening a stick of gick so I could give you a nice brown autograph tomorrow'll be the one in the funny hat, yeah?
  11. rumpus

    Settler, El Diablo, Omelette

    me horrific pencil paring accident
  12. rumpus

    Apples, sweets and chocolates

    Thank you Anne, Minka... So! if there's no other A.O.B's we can adjourn. Have a good weekend folks and I'll see you all here on Monday bright and early...*raises chin and eyebrows*...aaand yes that does mean you too, Wilbert. Let’s not have anymore of that tardiness we talked about, hey?
  13. rumpus

    Cooking With Beer

    Pah! You've obviously never sat around a burning car wreck comparing tatoos, eating raw meat and knocking back the cooler like there's no tomorrow..|..|
  14. rumpus

    Cooking With Beer

    partial to a nice west coast cooler kebab meself
  15. rumpus

    a man of great wisdom

    I'm way out here in my financial obligations...taco bell or burger king....I gotta git outa dodge, man. The land of milk and honey...yeah...yyup, they got milkshake factories out here. :)
  16. rumpus

    a man of great wisdom

    This has made my day. Listen to this guy and you will learn to love him as I do. Listen to the real audio files in the order they are listed I love this man
  17. rumpus

    Apples, sweets and chocolates

    auw yeah I know the guy! Cleaned it up real nice....a woman touch only better…. Rumor has it he has discovered carpeting in a number of the rooms.
  18. rumpus


    Guy sees the sign in a pet store window 'talking dog' He goes in to see. Guy: 'What's all this about a talking dog' Dog sitting on the counter: Yyyup. That's me. Guy: Holy shit! How the...what....?? What's the story?! Dog: yeah well, when I was a pup I realized I had this gift for...
  19. rumpus

    Apples, sweets and chocolates

    now and then to see the's soooo quiet in suburbia...I must be really used to noise now. Sometimes I smell a bunring car and think of the good old days....when 'halloween' actually ment 'crime spree'........and Georgie Burgess got me sister knocked up.....
  20. rumpus


    the queen dies One of her dogs says to the other 'least we wont be blamed for pissing on the sofa anymore'