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  • Users: HMD
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  1. HMD

    My child is doing my fucking head in

    I find locking them in dark place softens their cough.
  2. HMD

    Bored in Work 808

    Ha. Do we have a crypto currency forum here yet?
  3. HMD

    Happy Birthday to xsteox.

    Happy birthday Steo
  4. HMD

    Doctor Who

    Yeah, I really liked it. Great performances
  5. HMD

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS IT MAY CONTAIN]

    Saw it again the other day and have the same reservations but really enjoyed it. Might go again over the coming week.
  6. HMD

    Merry Christmas everyone

    Happy chrimbo pricks.
  7. HMD

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS IT MAY CONTAIN]

    Yeah, it's like she's afraid she'll use it all up. Keep it for when the Parrish priest is around
  8. HMD

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS IT MAY CONTAIN]

    Yeah, I felt they over did it on the comedy. It was they watched new hope and thought how can we fit more comedy it
  9. HMD

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS IT MAY CONTAIN]

    Also I loved benicio del toro and the way he didn't sell out by selling out.
  10. HMD

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS IT MAY CONTAIN]

    What the fuck was up with the Leia Disney princess flying through space scene. FFS
  11. HMD

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi [SPOILERS IT MAY CONTAIN]

    We went yesterday. Family pilgrimage at this. It took me about 6 hours to process but, yeah, I really liked it. I was so drained after the I needed a lie down after. very different and one scene in particular jared with me but overall 8/10 @pete no it's out can we change this to include...
  12. HMD

    iPhone X

    6+????? Get with the times grandad
  13. HMD

    iPhone X

    Got one yesterday and it's great. Not much bigger that the 7 but the screen is as big as the +, The facial recognition is really good, it will only display a message on the lock screen after it recognises you.
  14. HMD

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Renowned US opera conductor facing allegations he sexually abused teenage boy
  15. HMD

    Thumped album club

    I'm going to rig it again so it's all my other favourite metal albums
  16. HMD

    Thumped album club

    And louder than love
  17. HMD

    2017 albums worth a listen.....

  18. HMD

    Thumped album club

    I just looked through the list and there's 8 or possibly 9 of mine in there. I wonder what the other one or two were
  19. HMD

    Thumped album club

    I can't remember what I voted for but there's a few more
  20. HMD

    Happy Birthday to HMD.

    Thanks, It's always the thumped birthday wishes I love the most