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  • Before: Mar 2, 2006
  • Users: Jim Daniels
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Jim Daniels

    Chess Joke

    So I was having dinner with Gary Kasporov and there was a check tablecloth. It took him two hours to pass me the salt. He said "You remind me of a pepper-pot", I said "I'll take that as a condiment". Ho ho
  2. Jim Daniels


    Just picked up the latest Mojo. It Comes with a free tribute cd to Johnny Cash, featuring amongst others, Nick Cave, Giant Sand AND a brand new recording from Sparklehorse. Hurray for that sort of thing! Its a Wonderful Life being one of the most soothing LP of all times and all...
  3. Jim Daniels

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    ...was written by James Bonds Ian Fleming.. I never knew that! Rohald Dahl was also involved..,5917,-221,00.html
  4. Jim Daniels

    Leonard Cohen

    The Man is 70 years old today. That probably makes him the oldest singer I like, give or take an odd Cuban... New LP out in October called "Dear Heather" Meas Mor...
  5. Jim Daniels

    All that Jazz

    I've recently re-read a great book called Ghostwritten by David Mitchell. One of the stories was based in a Jazz specialist shop in Tokyo and was beautifully written. It wasn't specifically about Jazz itself but he mentioned certain songs/ artists etc and it made the music seem wonderful...
  6. Jim Daniels

    Tom Waits or Leonard Cohen

    Whose the Man? If they were both playing Dublin the same night, same price, similar venues, who would you go see? I'd go for Len myself. Pure poetry...
  7. Jim Daniels

    Tracer Bullet

    Calvin and Hobbes Truly one of the all time greats....
  8. Jim Daniels

    Primal Scream

    Anybody know if Primal Scream's forthcoming Redbox gig is just a DJ set? It seems pretty cheap at €20 something quid
  9. Jim Daniels

    Number 9 Dream

    The Book by David Mitchell, not the song by Mr Lennon. Just finished it, fantastic stuff, set in Tokyo, funny, surreal, slightly mad, some really nice lines and a likeable narrator for a change. Now I need a new book to read, any sugestions? Somebody usually comes up with something good...
  10. Jim Daniels


    Got this from Sparklehorse news this morning, Looks pretty cool... ------------------------------------------------------------ The Sparklehorse Newsletter 11 (May 6th 2004) ------------------------------------------------------------ What News? Howdy folks, it's been a long time...
  11. Jim Daniels

    Here Comes the Middle of the Bleedin Night

    Boo on this sort of thing. Today FM have copped out, pushing Donal Dineen's show back to midnight and replacing him with some rather innocuous dumbed down effort. Seems that the advertisers won out in the end. Like, do listenership numbers really matter that much after 10.00 pm? I like...
  12. Jim Daniels

    Ordinary decent phone snatchers

    Not music related but kind of really weird..! I was waiting for a night link last week, standing outside Bewleys on West Morland Street. As I was texting somebody, a group of gougers walked passed and one of them snatched my phone. I was there, "ah man, come on", but he just shook his head...
  13. Jim Daniels

    Galaxie 500

    Hurray for this! They took me to their planet....
  14. Jim Daniels

    The Event Guide

    Anybody know where it all went wrong? It used to be a great read, particularly the gig guide with little previews etc. Thats all gone by the wayside now, might as well be reading the Herald... Theres definitely an opening in the market for a free weekly/ forthnightly events publication. I...
  15. Jim Daniels

    Bright Eyes

    I bought this Bright Eyes cd last week called Lifted or the Story is in the Soil. It REALLY reminds me of somebody but I just can't figure out who, maybe Will Oldham if he really let fly.. Anyway I really like it (at least I think I do, its hard to say, for some reason) but I hear he's a bit...
  16. Jim Daniels

    Fiery Furnaces

    Anybody see them in Whelans last night? Twas rather deadly. Great vocals, great drumming, they just banged them out. Hurray for that sort of thing...
  17. Jim Daniels

    Clem Snide

    Clem Snide are playing in Whelans in Feb. Just wondering which LP to get hold of or if they are worth seeing. I only know the song "Joan Jett of Arc" and really like it, but you know yourself, January, broke, broken and blue.... Any pointers would be appreciated cause I must stop hmmmm-in...
  18. Jim Daniels

    Stitched Backfoot Airman

    Anybody know anything about this band. I found an old tape (recorded from Dave Fanning in early nineties I think) with a song called The Dirtys Happened on it and and its rather good in a kind of disposable indie way. They may be called Stitch the Backfoot Airman but its pretty unlikely...
  19. Jim Daniels

    Here Comes The Stoat

    Hey Egg, Heard "I wrote this to Woo You" on Donal Dineen last night. It sounded great tucked away in the Headphones set. Donal was very enthusiastic and oh yeah, apparently you're the "main man" in Stoat. I know its totaly your composition but all the same I'd imagine John would be mildly...
  20. Jim Daniels

    Floating in Space

    I do be hearing that Spiritualized are playing Vicar Street in September. Hurray..!! And happily enough, I just found my old long lost 12 inch vinyl of "Feel so Sad" in my Dads record collection, right in between Beethovan 7th and the Best of the Seekers. So I took all three. Beethovan rocks...