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  • Users: mijuboy
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    anybody seen him? if you do tell him i said 'hello vinnie you old bastard'
  2. M

    what is wrong with irish music?

    is it the drink to which they have such a proclivity towards that make sthem such poor musicians? is this why they have no sense of rythym? or is it the years of abuse by the clergy that forced them to only whisper and to keep their hands down by their sides? discuss.
  3. M


    i was kindly informed by a moderator on here that my previous post was deemed racist(cant imagine how, but anyway...) lets try it again. hi i guess most of u here have heard of , maybe what u dont know is that its run by a group of industry failures, namely, gareth desmond, damien...