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  1. sweetoblivion

    john daly

    I have a new John Daly interview on my blog to celebrate moving it to wordpress...enjoy!!
  2. sweetoblivion


    I really need to actually watch that Steven Seagal boxset we have at home
  3. sweetoblivion


    see ya behind the jacks for a fight!!!! :mad::mad::mad:
  4. sweetoblivion


    I AM NOT A WOMAN! :mad:
  5. sweetoblivion


    I usually do online banking too, but in this case I had to take my manly legs out for a walk downtown and lodge money in a particularly manly way.
  6. sweetoblivion


    Dude, I'm all over the chicks. ALL OVER THEM. Chicks dig a bastard, and I truly am one sexy bastard.
  7. sweetoblivion


    It's clearly a potato
  8. sweetoblivion


    Talking shite with people on the internet is the height of manliness, Wobbler. Now excuse me, I have to go do manly things.* *I haven't quite worked out what they are yet. So far it's: working, drinking tea, going to the bank. Men do those things too, don't they?
  9. sweetoblivion


    I love being a man. There's nothing I like more than doing manly things.
  10. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    I wand to know if she's over 18
  11. sweetoblivion

    Smoking in front of Kids

    I don't know 'em, and they could be bloody brilliant parents (and there's no such thing as a perfect parent, we're all human) in other respects. But smoking joints in front of your kids? Surely that's covered in the Bad Parenting 101 class..... I presume they don't have a back garden or...
  12. sweetoblivion

    Smoking in front of Kids

    That's pretty shocking parenting. Not cool to put your drug dependence before the health of your kids. I feel sorry for the little ones - it can't be good for their health, concentration in school, etc etc. Actually, it makes me really angry that parents can be so selfish.
  13. sweetoblivion

    Smoking in front of Kids

    That sounds like a tough situation as you were in their house and saying something to them may have disrupted things a bit.... That said, IMHO it's pretty irresponsible, to say the least, to smoke in front of children. How people think it's ok to smoke a few joints every morning in front of...
  14. sweetoblivion

    Mercury Prize nominees for 2009

    Hey I tried, ok?! Sheesh, you misogynists are never happy, wha ;)
  15. sweetoblivion


    just call me 'sweat-o'
  16. sweetoblivion


    Try Penneys
  17. sweetoblivion

    Mercury Prize nominees for 2009

    HO HO HO! You're wanted on checkout at Stereotypes 'R' Us
  18. sweetoblivion

    Mercury Prize nominees for 2009

    I don't think there's a monopoly. But this and last year have probably the most women on the Mercury list, and I think that's a heartening thing to see.
  19. sweetoblivion

    Mercury Prize nominees for 2009

    Don't you have to enter your band into the competition and pay money to do it? The judges are hardly scouring the country for the best unsigned bands etc. They get bands who can afford to enter - ie bands on labels/etc- and pick the best from those. It's certainly not the be-all and end-all of...
  20. sweetoblivion

    Jape festival - tent comes down, kills one.

    Christ, that's terrible :( The silence in the last video after it happened was so eerie.