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  1. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    Do you want a slow set Wobbler? ;) Thanks for all the kind comments, it's great that so many people want to go .|..|:)::clef::
  2. sweetoblivion

    Thank you from DEAF - fundraiser sold out!

    Sigh more idiocy from Red Dog......omglolwtf
  3. sweetoblivion

    Foggy Notions Presents...DEERHUNTER, Whelan's, Aug 23

    Really, really enjoyed this - didn't so much enjoy the tantrum at the end tho, but hey. ;) People were a bit subdued but not 'cos the gig was shit, as there was no way you could say it was a Sunday night, go figure. Better than people talking the whole way through the gig anyway, I...
  4. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    yay, nice one peeps! would be great to have a nice crowd there, might even bring some rice krispie cakes if ye're lucky ;) And the more dancing the better!! Moar choons: YouTube - Dam-Funk "Hood Pass Intact" (2009) YouTube - Floating Points - Love Me Like This (2009)
  5. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    Hey all - myself and fellow Thumpeder DaydreamNation will be djing together at the Road Records night in Hogan's in Dublin on Sunday 6th September. If anyone's around (it's the weekend of Electric Picnic) it would be great to see a few familiar faces there :) It's free in and is a vinyl-only...
  6. sweetoblivion

    SoundCheck Girlfest @ Spy Aug 6th

    wahoo! only spotted this now. Delira!!!
  7. sweetoblivion

    SoundCheck Girlfest @ Spy Aug 6th

    wahoo! only spotted this now. Delira!!!
  8. sweetoblivion

    Dude took a polaroid every day for 18 years.

    There are some really sad and interesting articles online about him. Such an affecting story :-(
  9. sweetoblivion

    rachel allen

    I look forward to sampling more of your Rachel Allen baked delights daydream! nom. I saw Darina Allen in McDonalds on Winthrop St in Cork about 10 years ago... :eek: Interviewed Rachel Allen over the phone a few years back and she was extremely lovely despite her screaming kids in the...
  10. sweetoblivion

    NICO MUHLY - Irish debut @ Absolut Fringe - Spiegeltent - Sun. Sept. 6th

    Here's an interview I did with Nico recently: :)
  11. sweetoblivion

    The 'share a song you can't stop playing' thread

    Mary Margaret O'Hara = awesome. She's so wonderfully awkward in that video! Her vocal style took ages to grow on me but now I love it. Plus the fact she's Catherine O'Hara's sister makes her even more awesome.
  12. sweetoblivion

    Free Barry's Tea!

    ooh lemon and ginger tea!
  13. sweetoblivion

    hershey's chocolate tastes like vomit: discuss

    The ones you can get here - the cookie ones - are lovely and not sicky-y. I have a necklace that looks like two rectangles of Dove chocolate with a bite taken out of one ;)
  14. sweetoblivion

    Holy shit - Michael Jackson has had a cardiac arrest

    He did a big spread with Hello! magazine after MJ died, all about how they were really good friends & his kids loved him etc etc. Wonder if his family knew about this...bizarro
  15. sweetoblivion

    SoundCheck Girlfest @ Spy Aug 6th

    Is that an edit of the version that's on the Soul Jazz comp? I like her vocals, even though they're a bit childish at times. For some reason I think my fave version is the Yam Who's the reverb on her vocals that gets me, I think...and the cowbelly sounds. (oops, sorry for taking over...
  16. sweetoblivion

    SoundCheck Girlfest @ Spy Aug 6th

    :) Did you hear the Yam Who rework of 'Wax the Van'? I was really tempted to play it but I was worried it was way too cheesy-house. I think it's awesome though.
  17. sweetoblivion

    Voided By Ponces Debut

    Looking forward to seeing ye play again :)
  18. sweetoblivion

    First teenage crushes

    Brad Renfro - got into drugs and died. Bears a strange parallel to a real-life crush at the same time, who is still alive however. I think.
  19. sweetoblivion

    SoundCheck Girlfest @ Spy Aug 6th

    You don't say. It's a total choon! Such a cool groove to it, and the original song is awesome. Would be great if FP played here soon.
  20. sweetoblivion

    SoundCheck Girlfest @ Spy Aug 6th

    Thank you Una, glad you enjoyed it! :)