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  1. sweetoblivion

    Restaurant Recommendations

    You did!! :) Thanks for the rec, it lead to a lovely meal and a rather drunk sweetoblivion after half a bottle of wine. hic.
  2. sweetoblivion

    Restaurant Recommendations

    Went to Monty's of Kathmandu, which was very very nice. Looking forward to trying more stuff in there! Got the Nepalese curry, potatoes with cumin (v spicy) and chickpeas in, er, some sauce. And the parantha was yummy.
  3. sweetoblivion

    DEAF full lineup:::298 Irish & International acts!

    They do indeed rule. I would love to see 'em in Cork and Dublin that weekend!
  4. sweetoblivion

    FNM: i hoped they wouldn't reform...

    Eek! So glad I got out of there when I did, I am a class A wuss. As ye saw :rolleyes: Thanks so much for the ear plugs Gary, savage stuff. What a gig - even from up the back the sound was awesome (when I took out the ear plugs to check), the band were in an energetic good mood and the...
  5. sweetoblivion

    DEAF full lineup:::298 Irish & International acts!

    That looks ace! Fair play. Lots of Irish acts.
  6. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    Yay! :) Will be great to see you if you can make it Ciarán, drunk or not. Will play some Prince for ya!
  7. sweetoblivion

    PROC - the new

    Meanies. The PROC general forum harbours the greatest 'minds' of our time. And by minds, I mean idiots. I usually hang around the music forum with the cool kids and house heads.
  8. sweetoblivion

    Espers Espers Espers

    Agreed! This song is so beautiful.
  9. sweetoblivion

    Espers Espers Espers

    cool!! Must check out the Cave Singers.
  10. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    Ah cool! Nice one dudes :) ye should do a thread for ye too! (if I haven't been blind and missed it) Platters - it totally is a tune! I am SO not Egyptian Lover's target audience but I can't get enough of his stuff. Hope ya can come along!
  11. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    stop filthying up this thread you manwhores
  12. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    According to Vinny from the Jimmy Cake is the DJ this Sunday :) Will try and pop in if I get home from Cork early.
  13. sweetoblivion

    The Wave Pictures

    I did a pretty over-the-top review of Leave it Alone that'll be up on soon. It's a really lovely album, good spot dudes.
  14. sweetoblivion

    Dresses – someone help the less fashion-ate.

    You can buy most of it online - Vivien of Holloway, Stop Staring, Betty Page collection etc - so it's probably worth trying online before you buy.
  15. sweetoblivion

    Dresses – someone help the less fashion-ate.

    A Wear? They've really stepped up their collections of late, with 40's-style dresses and the like. Plus great sizing and flattering on the hips, generally (haven't found their jeans very good - Penneys flared jeans are amazing though!)
  16. sweetoblivion

    Thank you from DEAF - fundraiser sold out!

    my spidey senses weren't wrong then. Very glad the launch went well.
  17. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    Yay! We welcome all dancing, no matter how unpretty ;)
  18. sweetoblivion

    Thank you from DEAF - fundraiser sold out!

    No. Does he? Seriously.
  19. sweetoblivion

    SweetOblivion & DaydreamNation DJ at Road Records night in Hogan's

    Now I have 'Diamonds & Pearls' stuck in my head. It must be a sign! Not a sign about Ernesto not being there tho! enjoy EP Ernie! :)