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  • Before: Dec 11, 2019
  • Users: pavlos
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  1. pavlos

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read
  2. pavlos

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Bonus points for this!
  3. pavlos

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Nice one @hugh. Would love to see a tracklist of that CD! Human Amusements is certainly a brilliant compilation. I often feel their earlier stuff is overlooked a bit. A friend gave me a tape of An Earful O'Wax years ago and I played the bejaysus out of it constantly for years. I know some people...
  4. pavlos

    2019 albums worth a listen.....

    New Vanishing Twin:
  5. pavlos

    What gig did you go to last night?

    The Cure in Malahide. Bit underwhelming. Ride were great.
  6. pavlos

    Welcome to Ireland, President Trump! "I don’t think we’ve to worry about getting paid for that," she said. "We have the world press in our village and we are being zoomed in around the world and you couldn’t buy that publicity." :rolleyes:
  7. pavlos

    Happy Birthday, jonah

    Happy birthday to you @jonah! Hope you have a nice one.
  8. pavlos

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Got one of them myself this morning, pretty disheartening to see no real action was taken. What was I expecting though, I guess?
  9. pavlos

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Girl Band. I've tried! Seen them live as well. No use.
  10. pavlos

    What gig did you go to last night?

    Just had a look at the setlist there. Probably shouldn't have. 😭
  11. pavlos

    Survey on Music Consumption

  12. pavlos

    Welcome to Ireland, President Trump!

    360° forelock tugging
  13. pavlos

    Welcome to Ireland, President Trump!

    I think I cringed myself a new face watching the footage on the news this evening
  14. pavlos

    2019 Mini Marathon / A Little Lifetime

    Fair play to the woman herself!
  15. pavlos

    adios silver jews

    Read that alright, yeah, it's a bit grim!
  16. pavlos

    Hellworld Thread

    Sounds like great japes alright. "Tell us. Show us. Make us smile"
  17. pavlos

    Hellworld Thread

  18. pavlos

    Just Signed up for Twitter

  19. pavlos

    Recently Purchased

    Just seeing this now, superb work, much appreciated!
  20. pavlos

    Recently Purchased
