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  • Before: Apr 4, 2007
  • Users: Scientician 0.8
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Scientician 0.8

    Best Domain Name Company?

    hiyaz, I'm wondering which is the best domain name provider. I see godaddy seems to be cheap but I wanna know if it is reputable etc. So does anyone have vast experience with registering domain names and would ya recommend one or other of the companies?
  2. Scientician 0.8

    Tom Lehrer

    Just discovered this genius recently. Really witty, amazing songs. He also claimed to have invented vodka jelly. I really like the song about Wernher Von Braun. Nerdpop par excellence!
  3. Scientician 0.8

    Stairways to Heaven
  4. Scientician 0.8

    It is Thursday night. What are you up to?

  5. Scientician 0.8

    Any CTFTPA fans?

    Casiotone for the Painfully Alone is doing a UK tour but he's not playing here :(. Anyone going to any of their UK gigs?
  6. Scientician 0.8

    Half Man Half Biscuit Fans - recommend an album.

    I've only heard two of their songs, "Dickie Davies Eyes" and that slipknot one. I liked them both. I don't know anything about this band so could any fan please recommend an album of theirs to purchase? thanks. .|..|
  7. Scientician 0.8

    Hot Press is a steaming pile of shite.

    I'm sure you all knew that already. In a moment of weakness I bought a copy of Hot Press this week. Jesus fucking christ is it such a pile of shite. Anyway what really annoyed me was thier letter of the week. The one that wins the 20 euro voucher for dolphin discs. I shall quote it in its...
  8. Scientician 0.8

    BBC 4 is Great!

    I tuned in last night to see what was on. A rake of Bob Dylan documentaries. One about tryna track down his performance on a BBC televised play called The Madhouse of Castle Street, the other one I saw was about Woody Guthrie, Rubin Carter and Lenny Bruce. They were really interesting. It seems...
  9. Scientician 0.8

    It's Friday Night, what are you up to?

    I'm tryna get my fucking CD burner to work. :mad:
  10. Scientician 0.8

    Stupid Question about cds

    Can you paint cds? I mean I know its physically possible but could it banjax someone's cd player if they put a cd with a painted label on it in their stereo?
  11. Scientician 0.8

    my new favourite song ever.

    Arab Strap - There is no ending Not everything must end Not every romance must descend Not every lover's pact decays Not every sad mistake replays If you can love my growing gut My rotten teeth and greying hair Then I can guarantee I'll do The same as long as you can bear If you...
  12. Scientician 0.8

    Mini-CD questions

    Hiya, I'm thinking of doing an ep release soon and was considering using 80mm mini-cds. Has anyone here ever used them before? What length of audio can you put on them? I figure if they're 185mb they'd have about 21 minutes of music. Are there any problems with them getting jammed in cd players...
  13. Scientician 0.8

    Sufjan Stevens Remix Album

    This fellow has remixed Sufjan's Illinois album, he's also done remixes of Fiona Apple and various other bands.
  14. Scientician 0.8

    What does blue rep mean?

    I noticed that some rep is blue. What does that mean?
  15. Scientician 0.8

    Anyone hear that indie album as gaeilge?

    I saw it the other day in Xtra with Mundy, Frames et al singing as gaeilge. Has anyone heard it? Is it any good?
  16. Scientician 0.8

    Anyone see Primer?

    I rented this out the other night from Xtra. It was really rather good, complicated and confusing but ultimately rewarding. If you haven't heard of it 'tis about these two engineers who invent a time machine. I read somewhere that it was made for $7000. I'd recommend that anyone who wants to...
  17. Scientician 0.8

    SXSW Schedule with MP3s

    Here's a list of the bands playing at South by Southwest most of which have MP3s to download.
  18. Scientician 0.8

    Any Irish MP3 blogs?

    There are lots of class indie/electronic/weird music blogs that provide links to one or two MP3s of every artist they're talking about. Is there any blog like that that just deals with Irish musicians, bands etc? I was half-thinking of starting one up if there isn't but I'm probably too lazy to.
  19. Scientician 0.8

    Zed FM vs Phantom FM

    Anyone read that article in The Irish Times today about the case? Does it mean Phantom's gonna start broadcasting properly soon? I can't link to the article cos I don't have an account. :(