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  • Before: Apr 4, 2007
  • Users: Scientician 0.8
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Scientician 0.8

    Tonight I'm gonna rep like it's 1999

    I have 1999 rep to give out. Who wants some?
  2. Scientician 0.8

    What's your band's website?

    Does everyone here in a band have a website or has myspace taken over duties? .|..|
  3. Scientician 0.8

    You know you need to go out and get a life when.... start having dreams about being on thumped. :confused:
  4. Scientician 0.8

    Ever notice the way...

    Whelans is absolute shite????? It's always packed and packed full of pricks. If you try talking to anyone there you feel like a reject. Pricks, I say it again, Pricks! .|..|
  5. Scientician 0.8

    What happened to January???!!!

    It's February 1st and I'm none the wiser.
  6. Scientician 0.8

    Recommend a book or books on Irish music?

    Hiya could anyone (or everyone) recommend a book or books about Irish music, or more specifically music in Ireland? I'm ideally looking for a book that would cover as many genres as possible but good books on specific genres in Ireland would be great too. Thanks .|..|.
  7. Scientician 0.8

    Gigs selling out in record time.

    What's the story with gigs selling out of late in nanoseconds? Do alot of bands play venues too small? The latest one I can think of is Arcade Fire. That sold out in seconds flat. Are there alot of touts on the ball with the buying of huge amounts of tickets? I can't understand why it happens...
  8. Scientician 0.8

    What are you doing tonight?

    I haven't decided whether to; a) stay at home and feel sorry for myself b) go to a birthday party or c) do something else. What are you up to?
  9. Scientician 0.8

    Streaming MP3s?

    Anyone know an easy way to include a streaming mp3 or other audio function in a site? On my site I want users to be able to stream a track before downloading it. Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. Scientician 0.8

    Why I hate the Progressive Democrats...

    I got our local free rag the other day. It had a supplement called the Dublin Democrat (I think). It was an advertorial for the PDs. Pricks. One of the articles described how they want to bring in mandatory ID cards, but only for non-EU immigrants. These cards can be asked for by your friendly...
  11. Scientician 0.8

    No Béarla - Amazing but depressing

    Bhí mé ag cuardach ar rudaí as gaeilge ar youtube agus fuair mé an clár nua as Manchán. No béarla "is a four part series in which Manchán Magan attempts to live his life (eat, travel, socialise, find accommodation, shop, etc) through Irish. It is a journey to find out whether the 1.6 million...
  12. Scientician 0.8

    What MP3 Player would you recommend?

    I know alot of people have had problems with Creative's Zen line. What about iPods are they any good? I'm asking for a friend who hasn't got a clue wants to get one for his sprog for christmas.
  13. Scientician 0.8

    What song are you listening to right now?

    I'm listening to The Ink Spots - If I didn't care. :)
  14. Scientician 0.8

    Does anyone here play pedalsteel?

    I think it sounds fantastic. If you do play it you should be proud. .|..|
  15. Scientician 0.8

    Ardagh Chalice: A National Treasure

    In photos it always looks huge like the Sam Maguire but in real life it's fairly tiny. Still great though .|..|
  16. Scientician 0.8

    Confederate States of America

    I just watched this. Twas rather interesting. I hadn't realised before that the Coon Chicken talked about in the Ghost World film was an actual business back in the day. CSA is a mockumentary about America since the Confederates won the Civil War complete with ad breaks with spoof ads from this...
  17. Scientician 0.8

    Cycling, is it very dangerous?

    Since I'm currently attempting to do the impossible and give up the gargle I've also decided to go for broke and try to improve my general fitness. I would like to start up cycling but I'm worried about how dangerous it is cycling about Dublin. I'd be mainly cycling from Swords to Santry and the...
  18. Scientician 0.8

    Anyone on Thumped at this time???

    Yeah probably not. Oh I wish I had something clever to say. I think LPX is fairly great but that's neither here nor there. Oh Well............
  19. Scientician 0.8

    Getting and Staying Sober.

    I'm tryna give up the booze at least for a while and I'm finding it hard. I can go about 5 days and then I feel it's ok to go out and get plastered again. I'll feel wrecked and depressed for a few days after then a few days or so later I'll think it's ok to go out and get flutered again. I...
  20. Scientician 0.8

    Up to date list of record labels in Ireland?

    Anyone know an up to date online list of record labels operating in Ireland? I'm looking from the big multinationals to independents. Also does anyone know where I can find any general data on Ireland's music industry? Much appreciated and rep go leor to anyone who can help me out, thanks.