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  1. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    there's no enthusiasm like yank enthusiasm
  2. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    beat me too it! there was a lad selling these on adverts at one point
  3. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I'm still trying to square the die hard belle and sebastian fan with the county/college hurling star. stars of track and field?
  4. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    the year I dropped out they got to the county final. they were annihilated by the other team. I think they only scored 2 or 3 points
  5. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    for me being bullied at the club by the same lads who were bullying me in school kinda took the fun out of it. If I'd been better at it I'd probably have stuck with it
  6. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    classic trousers/bottoms tucked in socks trick. he probably has a TK red lemonade bottle filled with tap water in that kit bag
  7. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    the young fella has started doing GAA, last week they gave him a hurl. I was in decathalon to buy something else entirely, and saw they sold hurls. so for the first time in about 20 years I had a puck around yesterday with him. I was shit at hurling in a team context, but always loved the...
  8. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    The tory party fringe event has probably become the main party conference in the intervening 40 years. Our attic had loads of 50s birthday cards and a couple of teenage girls magazines from the 70s. Most interestingly I found they had used a copy of the irish press from 1956 to wrap the...
  9. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    That songs now stuck in my head. Minor complaint
  10. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    It’s been a bumper year for butterflies here in Marino as well. Couple of species I’ve never seen in dublin before. I also saw a dragonfly on Dame st. Of all places. Although I hear we’ve FOREIGN dragonflies these days….
  11. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    It took a while, but I’ve finally adjusted the new 2-point tremolo bridge on that strat to my liking. It’s loose enough to give a nice shimmy wobble of tremolo here and there, but not so loose it goes out of tune.
  12. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    fierce warm altogether.
  13. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    ha no. A primary school principle from the days when the priest and school principle were the only two in the village with anything beyond a primary education. The story is he was involved in planning/adminstration/quatermaster sort of stuff (rather than running round the fields with a lee...
  14. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    lots of Irish folks in the british army in wwi, many kept their heads down on their return (without channeling Kevin Myers ;-), more than a couple put their skills to good use in the WOI the most interesting link with the great events of history in my family is my maternal grandparents; English...
  15. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Maximising the storage potential of my sheds rafters and eaves
  16. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    we have all merged our individual prickishness into one corporate entity of prickdom
  17. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I just got called for a job interview. I'm not absolutely bounding out the door in my current place, and had applied just to test the waters. So its nice that I can still write a competitive application. Job would be a step sideways, but probably a good move career wise, but but a short...
  18. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    the opportunity cost of free bounty bars
  19. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    to the horn thread!!
  20. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    The days of loitering outside chippers annoying people are on their way