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  1. Cornu Ammonis

    Getting rid of vinyls

    I know you said you’re not able to sell in Dublin but I got a great trade in deal in Freebird when I was downscaling.
  2. Cornu Ammonis


  3. Cornu Ammonis


    It’s for a different court.
  4. Cornu Ammonis


    And for those playing along at home, the protest is ongoing but dwindling. I need to drop some stuff off to be recycled, would love for them to fuck off.
  5. Cornu Ammonis


    And, no joke, I’ve been called up for jury duty.
  6. Cornu Ammonis

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Haven’t a clue.
  7. Cornu Ammonis

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Four people in my close family last year. One of them dead, one looking at an amputation, and one nearly died. Fucking incredible. I see the pharmacy now has info posters up about sepsis.
  8. Cornu Ammonis


    Plus most of the deforestation of Ireland happened in Celtic times to accommodate the shift to farming.
  9. Cornu Ammonis


    Still there.
  10. Cornu Ammonis

    Minor Pleasures

  11. Cornu Ammonis

    Minor Pleasures

    Spill the tea! Thumped drama!
  12. Cornu Ammonis

    Major Complaints Thread

    My father-in-law’s shop was a similar thing, he owned it but the land was a 700 year lease.
  13. Cornu Ammonis

    Jaysus cycling!

    Imperial measurements are in a different league.
  14. Cornu Ammonis


    Anti-immigration protest outside Ballyogan recycling park just now.
  15. Cornu Ammonis

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    They lost me at the title.
  16. Cornu Ammonis

    Minor complaints thread

    I had wondered too. It’s a bit of a pain
  17. Cornu Ammonis

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    How did you find it?
  18. Cornu Ammonis

    New Royal (not Royle) Family thread

    Neither is the monarchy.
  19. Cornu Ammonis

    New Royal (not Royle) Family thread

    It is actually a monarch butterfly if you look at the pattern. I hadn’t even clocked the butterfly in my first glance, I was so entranced by the Hellraiser vibes. My wife saw it last night. I knew she had just come across it because I heard her across the room exclaim “Jesus Christ, I thought...
  20. Cornu Ammonis

    Forthcoming TV trailers

    Meh! But I’ll still watch it and make snide remarks in Quenya.