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  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
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  1. La La

    RIP Bettie Page

    There goes a true icon. So long, Bettie! -uh oh, didnt see the other thread - sorry :)
  2. La La

    batteries and the cold

    over winter, i'm gonna be in ontario and it's gonna be well into the minuses. (like -20 in places). the last time i took a camera up the hill, it was my cybershot and the battery drained veeeerrrry quickly some days. i doubt i'll be taking my nikon d80 up there, but that won't make a difference...
  3. La La

    Gallery of Photography 30th Anniversary

    For those of you that haven't yet, I suggest you go check out the images that have been donated for the exhibition. They've been up for over a week now. I've bid on two - though I'm not going to say which ones here as the less people I'm bidding against, the better! The draw is on the 22nd...
  4. La La


    fuck it, let's talk about retouching. i want to know where people stand on this. i've come across some streams on flickr that have hundreds of people commenting, loads of testimonials....and half the pictures would be ordinary at best were they not run through the photoshop mill. seriously...
  5. La La

    Photo Challenge: Creepy

    I was getting quite used to not posting on Thumped for the last month (cos I decided to 'check the fuck out of the internet and punch into real life for a shift'). And while I'll probably keep that up, I'm still hot for the Photo board so I saw Cian's suggestion and made this thread. In La La...
  6. La La

    latest firefox update

    looks like safari!? text is bigger, thumped looks weird on it, as do other sites. very un-firefoxy. or is it just me?
  7. La La

    Take a Picture It'll Last Longer: Launch of The Joy Gallery

    a guy I know is involved in this so i'm plugging it. on tonight: You are cordially invited to Take a Picture It'll Last Longer: the launch of The Joy Gallery, a new artist-run space located in Dublin City Centre. The launch will take place on Tuesday, August 12th from 6pm until midnight...
  8. La La

    photoshop cleansing??!

    I just got an email from a friend with this link attached and the subject title of 'Ethnic cleansing in the Sun' after looking at the link, it would seem that way. :eek: not only that, it was a shoddy photoshopping job too, yer man's leg is still there and the motor has disappeared, ffs...
  9. La La

    Shogun Assassin

    "It's impossible to keep a body count!" heheheheh so the friends I stayed with in London have this on DVD. we watched it and it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! best soundtrack ever. even the dubbing was cool. in any case, does anyone know where I might be able to rent or buy the others in this...
  10. La La

    a taste of dublin

    a couple of us managed to get free tickets to this last night. strolling around the iveagh gardens with a nice glass of malbec stuffing yourself with the gastronomic efforts of ireland's hardest-working producers is a pretty nice way to spend the evening. has anyone else been? i left...
  11. La La

    massage places?

    herro. lately these late shifts in work have been really hurting the fuck out of my neck, shoulders and upper back. deadline pain - it's horrible. :( does anyone go to or know of any cheapish, no-frills massage places in town? i'm not looking to visit a posh spa when all i need is for the...
  12. La La

    we have a magazine :)

    hi! so - the masters class i was in finally launched our magazine d'udder day and now we are trying to whore it out to anyone who doesn't run away first. slap stands for sports, life, arts, politics. (with that in mind, we could have called it pals, or alps, or spla :p) anyway it's up...
  13. La La

    Donnie Darko sequel S. Darko

    starts shooting soon. thoughts??? i'd personally rather they just left it after the first one. it also doesnt sound that riveting.
  14. La La

    scarlett johansson

    sorry if there was a thread about this video already. anywhere, here it is. hopefully she'll never, EVER, sing again. it was hard to listen to.
  15. La La

    i'm so tired today that

    if anyone so much as looks at me the wrong way i'm going to punch them in the face. !zed!zed!zed!zed!zed!zed!zed!zed:(
  16. La La

    nice sunny morning

    TOTALLY a day for walking in, if ever there was one. .|..|.|..|.|..|.|..|::clef::
  17. La La

    Mr Gunn appreciation thread

    relay your experiences with this pleasant legend of a man. i called in today to get some film and we had a little chat, and he goes: 'best thing i ever heard is that imagination is better than information' .|..|::clef:::heart::) (was there a thread about him before?)
  18. La La


    yeah and YEAH and YEAH!!!! well? im particularly interested in what sarah asked, have been meaning to ask you myself. do you juggle with light meter readings or do all that nice contrast on de compuker?
  19. La La

    i wonder what soundtrack 08 gigs are coming up

    anyone know? :rolleyes:
  20. La La

    Photo Challenge: Bokeh OR Shallow DOF shots

    it's bokeh time!!!! man, flickr has opened my eyes up to this awesome technique. have never mastered it (though i'm hoping to try this weekend with the camera moose kindly lent me). here's an example from one of my flickr favourites. go!