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  1. falsemonkey

    Nerdlinger 7 inch

    Nerlinger were good in the temple bar music centre when they played with mixtwitch and some other bands I can't remember. A long time ago. But I remember them playing a misfits tune - Astro Zombies maybe? Anyway I enjoyed it.
  2. falsemonkey

    22nd October! Thrash Metal and Punk gig!

    Those dam gays always want you not to break their stuff. The cheek.
  3. falsemonkey

    Benefit CD for Warzone Collective 4-way split

    How many tracks on this.
  4. falsemonkey

    New Music

    Ok nice thanks people. Aplinist? Russian band? Weird, I have a feeling I've got the wrong lads. Praying Hands, I like it sound a little like Reaching Hand from Portugal. I'll deffo check out more. Arctic FLower sound good too. That's all I got to so far. Double Negative on the Sonic Boom...
  5. falsemonkey

    New Music

    I must be getting old or I dunno what. But it's been ages since I've been really impressed with a new band - there has been some good stuff, but nothing that's blown me away. I've been through and re-discovered a lot of my old stuff recently but I want to find some new bands. Hit me with...
  6. falsemonkey

    20 Bulls Each - 23rd July - Thomas House

    This week. Is this Stick Arounds first Dublin gig?
  7. falsemonkey

    Only Fumes & Corpses join Lockjaw Records.

    Is the label still run by the Tribute to Nothing guys? They were a great band, really nice guys who used to get some good stuff released. I haven't heard anything of them in years, and this is the first time I've heard of LockJaw in ages too. Good luck with it hope it works out for ya.
  8. falsemonkey

    DISCHARGE 30TH October Fibbers!

    Didn't discharge play in Voodoo a couple of years back? They were either shit or amazing, I can't remember which, but i remember that it was a strong feeling either way.
  9. falsemonkey


    That's a good tune.
  10. falsemonkey

    Why the internet is fun.

    Does he play in an Oi / Street punk band?
  11. falsemonkey

    Why the internet is fun.

    Never heard of him. But he looks like he'll go down well in North Korea.
  12. falsemonkey

    Bomb City 7 (members of Lobotomies, Axis of, Cities we captured etc) Belfast Hip-Hop.

    Re: Bomb City 7 (members of Lobotomies, Axis of, Cities we captured etc) Belfast Hip- I'll try to remember to listen to this when I get home from work, but I am mad lazy & forgetful.
  13. falsemonkey

    Out of all the genres on this forum...why is Oi/StreetPunk neglected and mocked?

    This is a very weird thread. Runnin Riot are a quality band though.
  14. falsemonkey

    6 degrees of black sabbath

    Fucking amazing. Bolt Thrower to East 17
  15. falsemonkey

    Live new song

    Alright people? Just thought I'd post up our new song. It's just a live vid from a couple of weeks back. But you will get the idea. This tune will go on our new album if we ever get round to recording it. Nice One Gav
  16. falsemonkey

    Koala Attack & 20 Bulls Each: Sunday 2nd May, Fred Zeppelins, Cork

    Cheers Tony, it was a good one. I've never heard of the first two bands before but they were great.
  17. falsemonkey

    GBH / paranoid visions / lobotomies / corrosive machine / beanz on toast.

    Did you get stuck in some kind of space time distortion there mate?
  18. falsemonkey

    Shows This Week

    Plenty to keep you busy. Here is some more:
  19. falsemonkey

    Koala Attack & 20 Bulls Each: Sunday 2nd May, Fred Zeppelins, Cork

    Ant, You have my number? Can you text me so I can ask ya something? The new version of the message board doesn't work with ie6 so I can't pm you. Cheers Gav