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  1. São Paulo Punk

    Right Wing Schlong and other wacky band names.

    Realistic Train was almost called Manopause!
  2. São Paulo Punk

    Right Wing Schlong and other wacky band names.

    Me and Brian Conniffe were supposed to do a noise gig in Trinners that never went ahead in the end due to objections from the staff about the potential noise levels. I had been considering the name Black Sabbatical
  3. São Paulo Punk

    Pissed off with the budget? Join the students. UCD - 20/11/08

    The overwhelming majority of 3rd level students come from those areas of Dublin/Ireland with the highest income levels. That's fact. Some of these rich types really should be paying, IMHO. You could set the income bracket relatively high and still reign in a good few million from it without...
  4. São Paulo Punk

    Choo-choo - Realistic Train demo up now!

    Haven't gotten the wavs yet. Will put something better up after we get them. But you better buy the hard copy whenever it comes out.... or.... else! These hot licks don't come cheap. :p
  5. São Paulo Punk

    Choo-choo - Realistic Train demo up now!

    These should work. Eager sent them to us this way anyway so they should still be up. Cheers.
  6. São Paulo Punk

    Choo-choo - Realistic Train demo up now!

  7. São Paulo Punk

    Choo-choo - Realistic Train demo up now!

  8. São Paulo Punk

    Hardrock Sweeney

    See the video right here.
  9. São Paulo Punk

    sequence of pedals

    Oh yeah! But I find that me guitar gives an awful buzz off it with too much. I generally go with... guitar-> tuner > compression > phase shifter > micro pog (octave) > big muff > reverse delay > delay As for the effects loop, like the guy on the that link posted: "I totally forgot...
  10. São Paulo Punk

    anyone heard the new Metallica album

    I heard that he rented out Eamon Dorans for three weeks just to record the snare track, through the sound desk in Eamon Dorans.
  11. São Paulo Punk


    Just watching the postman outside the window now, hanging a noose around the top of the street light across the road... He's climbing up the pole now... He's put it round his neck... ooh, there he goes. RIP Postman, 5th Sept, 2008
  12. São Paulo Punk


    A ROCK band formed from members of Mongolia (Dunchee Kinane: drums, Tob Swift: bass) and Terrordactyl (Owensie Owens: guitar and vocals) while both of these bands are on hiatus, with the aim of writing some psychedelic/ stoner/ garage rock anthems to get you through the dark Irish summer. The...
  13. São Paulo Punk


    A ROCK band formed from members of Mongolia (Dunchee Kinane: drums, Tob Swift: bass) and Terrordactyl (Owensie Owens: guitar and vocals) while both of these bands are on hiatus, with the aim of writing some psychedelic/ stoner/ garage rock anthems to get you through the dark Irish summer...
  14. São Paulo Punk has it in for Irish 'Crust Punks'

    Get with the Irish Times.... Lyndsey's parent's employer did... in the past.
  15. São Paulo Punk

    Drumanacoo (2-day) Punx Picnic, Donegal

    By 'smoke enduced', I meant 'Drum Light tobacco-enduced'. Apologies for any confusion. C'mon everyone, let's keep this thread alive for as long as possible!
  16. São Paulo Punk

    Drumanacoo (2-day) Punx Picnic, Donegal

    If Damo had been there Im sure that neither BoW nor Kidd Blunt would have played. Instead, Mongolia would have taken to the stage and a ketamin and smoke induced rock-out would have ensued until a red, burning sun rose up from the black shadows of surrounding hills the following day.
  17. São Paulo Punk

    Burma gets hit by 9/11 TIMES SEVEN (63/77)

    It's a magic word to make your sociology and politics essays longer. Other magic words include: Marxism, Modernism, Globalisation and post-Schumpetarianism-ism-jism...jessop-jessop. It seeme that they're accepting aid now after initially refusing it. The US and France were threatening to do...
  18. São Paulo Punk

    neighbours and loud music

    Red Hot Chilli Peppers - whatever poxy album 'Californication' is on - every fucking day. YEEEESH!!!